My Favorite Things

It’s Valentine’s Day. Of course everyone always thinks of ‘love’ on this day and I’m the same. The love that I’ll speak about is OBVIOUSLY going to be of the sweaty variety and a little different than the mushy sort of Hallmark cards. Would you expect any different from me? I mean, think about it. … Continued

Listen to Your Body

One of the health and fitness catch phrases you’ll hear a lot is “listen to your body”. So, what does that actually mean? When it comes to good nutrition, you need to listen to your body to find out what suits your appetite; your digestion; your energy levels.  When it comes to workouts, same deal!  … Continued

Strengthen Your Core and Burn Belly Fat At Once

I always get asked what the BEST ab move is AND how can one can get rid of belly fat. To me, these are sort of different questions: one is functional and one is aesthetic. The BEST ab move to strengthen the core is anything plank related. This strengthens the transverse abdominus muscle – there … Continued

4 Bodyweight Knee Saver Exercises

  I’ve got a great article from Guru Rick Kaselj today taking you through 4 Bodyweight Knee Saver Exercises. These are 4 exercises that you can go through anywhere that help strengthen that knees in order to save your knees from knee pain or a knee injury.   #1 – Bodyweight Squat The key things that we … Continued

Guest Post: 5 Tips to DOMINATE Your Double Unders

How’s it going? Robby Blanchard here! If you are reading this blog post right now then you already know and love Shawna and her awesome training, Challenge Workout programs and her pullups. I mean, Shawna can bust out pullups like nobody’s business…how awesome is that?! But on top of all that she is an awesome … Continued

Guest Post: Do your knees have you on your knees?!

Do you have some aching soreness in the front of your knee just below your knee cap? How about some pain on the side of your knee every time you go up stairs? One of the biggest complaints people have that restrict them and their workouts is knee pain. Every time they bend down to … Continued

Sexual harassment or yoga? (my experience)

I know that yoga really has a calming effect during stressful times, right? Oo-o-m-mmm… I hate yoga. I’m sorry, I just have to be honest about it. The reason I don’t like yoga is not with ‘yoga’ itself so much,but more about my first yoga/sexual harassment experience. I really need to give yoga another go … Continued

A quick and sweaty ladder (the exercise kind)

If you asked me what’s the best way to deal with stress, I’d answer “exercise”.  I sort of believe that exercise is the answer to most of life’s big questions, “world peace?” – send ‘em into the boxing ring.  If only the United Nations had asked my opinion!! I’ve got a ripper little workout for … Continued

What’s Your Favorite?

What are YOUR favorite workouts? I put this to my VIP coaching group because we’ve had opportunity to switch plans every 21 days and I wanted to get their input. It seems that the Metabolic Resistance Training module was a big hit. If you’re unsure what a MRT workout is, let me explain… Anytime you … Continued

How old are you?

It’s sort of a rude question, isn’t it? How do YOU feel when you get asked your age? Are you honest with your answer? I’ve never really understood the benefit of lying about my age. While I’m not thrilled to be over 50, it’s nice to see the surprised look on the face of the … Continued