Bodyweight 30-30 Workout

Get off the treadmill and elliptical and try this fat burning, full body cardio workout.  You’ll work all major muscle groups and get a heart pumping workout regardless of your fitness level.  Modify movements to reduce impact if necessary, you’ll see those modifications in the video.


This is a fun cardio workout that’s suitable for all levels of fitness.


With only 30 seconds of work immediately followed by a 30 second rest there’s plenty of opportunity for recovery.  The rest periods are designed to allow you to quickly recover and then go hard in the next interval.  If you’re finding that you just don’t need the 30 second rest – well, you need to work harder!


For those of you who have a competitive spirit, you’ll enjoy the chance to record your reps and try and beat them each round.  I’ve also got some benchmark reps from my Super Over 60 Ladies (you’ll have seen them in the 20 Minute Anti Aging Solution workout videos) that you can aim to compete with.


Ah, a little competition adds spice to life!  You’ll count every foot tap as one rep (eg. when you skip every time your foot touches the floor that counts as one).

Bodyweight 30-30


30 secs Speed Step Tap – Rest 30 seconds
30 secs Total Body Extensions – Rest 30 seconds

30 secs Skater Hops – Rest 30 seconds
30 secs Pop Squats – Rest 30 seconds
30 secs Jump Rope – Rest 30 seconds
30 secs Mountain Climbers – Rest 30 seconds

Work hard with each exercise for 30 seconds.  Catch your breath with a 30 second rest before going hard again for the next 30 second exercise.  Count your reps and aim to beat your score each successive round.

Beginners – 2 repeats
Intermediate – 3 rounds
Challenge – 4 rounds


And your competition?  Martine from the 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution recorded these best reps:

Box Speed Taps:  71 alternating taps with impact
Total Body Extensions: 24 with jump

Skater Hops: 53 with impact
Pop Squats: 23 with low jump
Phantom Jump Rope: 85 jumps
Incline Mountain Climbers: 89 with jump

I’d love to hear how your reps compared with Martine (age is no barrier to being VERY competitive!!).  Leave your numbers in the comments section below!


If you love short,  fat burning workouts like this one – check out these FAST workouts that will flatten your stomach in LESS than 10 minutes a day! With full follow along videos.  Press play, get moving and move on with your day.  And ZERO equipment required.


CLICK HERE for 10-minute workouts that will let you burn MORE fat and calories than a traditional 30 minute cardio routine…thanks to a brand new style of total body training.

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