Cooking Tips To Lighten Up

Believe me, cooking is not my strength. I’m known for many ‘flambés’ but not the good kind. I’m often convinced that weight management for me is simply a result of poor cooking skills on my part. Then again, there’s always an abundance of good food everywhere: from the amazing food friends can cook up, to … Continued

Best Fast Food Choices

Guess what?   You’re going to have to eat out at some point. Everyone does.   I thought it would be helpful for you to have a ‘go to’ list of some of the best choices you can make when you have limited choices for healthy eating.   Keep in mind that I didn’t put … Continued

Supplements for Fat Loss and Recovery

Here’s me and my good friend Rob King at our last big conference: Rob has been in the fitness industry for many years and has a ton of knowledge in so many areas. I got him to share a bit of info with you about supplements. I want to remind you that we’ve provided links … Continued

Diet Plan for Fat Loss for Women

A diet plan for fat loss for women involves a triangle. Let me explain…   Some think that a diet plan for fat loss for women is all that’s needed to get the body of your dreams. In fact, a diet plan for fat loss for women is only one aspect, or corner of this … Continued

Energy Boosters

How’s your energy? Challenging workouts require a large supply of it. One of the most common issues I hear is that energy is in short supply, especially later in the afternoon. Instead of reaching for an energy drink, I wanted to provide you with a healthier approach. By the way, I’m not a big fan … Continued

A Healthy Pantry…

I love when a client lets me into their pantry. It’s like snooping into their diary (not that I”d ever do that!). But a pantry is pretty revealing.   Imagine my surprise when I got to this client’s pantry only to find the majority of foods to be all spot on…healthy choices for a healthy … Continued

Protein – The Unsung Hero

Are you looking for the best weight loss tips for women? Probably THE best weight loss tips for women I can offer are very simple. Do you eat breakfast? Do you protein at breakfast? Do you even know why you’d want to have protein at breakfast? My best weight loss tips for women involve a … Continued

Water Facts

How Much Water Should I Really Drink? And why? Looking to up your fitness game? Of course you are. How about increasing strength and stamina and losing fat in the process? (Who doesn’t want to LOOK better while performing better?) Does water play a role? You bet. Water has always been one of  those drinks … Continued

Fat Loss Tips for Women

Fat Loss Tips for Women – 29 Ways to Fit Into Your Jeans Better Who isn’t looking for easy ways to lose an inch or two? The thing is, it’s the small things that make big differences. What are some of my fat loss tips for women? So many ladies I speak with tend to … Continued

Women’s Fat Loss Plan

Are you looking for a women’s fat loss plan? You’ve come to the right place. If you stay close to my blog, you’ll have all the information that you need. Sadly, most people think a women’s fat loss plan needs to be complicated and expensive. In fact, it’s pretty basic. You need to incorporate sensible … Continued