How to Stop Dieting for Good!

Discover the art of listening to your body’s signals and cultivating a healthier relationship with food. Learn how to decode nutrition labels effortlessly, empowering you to make informed choices that nourish your body and mind. Whether you’re looking to break free from diet culture or simply enhance your understanding of nutrition, this masterclass is for … Continued

How to Increase Daily Protein in Menopause

Don’t quit your full time job to get your daily protein in! Here are some ways to make that job easier: Here’s a blog post explaining this rule below. Of course, I’m here to help as well. Let’s talk. The topic of protein is a regular discussion point on my weekly nutrition call with my … Continued

How To Avoid Guilt Throwing Out Food

Of course you don’t want to waste food! But is it better to eat the excess & store it on your waist? Here are two ways I’m learning to be less wasteful: make more appropriate serving sizes give away leftovers True story: often my leftovers get ‘stored’ long enough that they nearly grow legs and … Continued

Why You Can’t Lose Weight: Food Labeling Edition

Being in a calorie deficit DOES work for fat loss. The point of this video is to highlight one of the MANY ways it might APPEAR that you’re in a calorie deficit when in fact you might NOT be: Food labels can have faulty math which makes it a challenge… Here’s the example in the … Continued

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate? Taste Test

An unlikely pairing but at 31g protein per serving, it was worth a try! 185 ml bone broth 250 ml 3.25% Fairlife milk 15 ml maple syrup 3 tbsp cocoa powder *BONE broth not just chicken or beef broth Mix together, heat on stove top, low heat. Enjoy! 347 calories: 10.8F 26.3C 30.6P Let’s face … Continued

Signs You’re Under Eating in Menopause

Here are 5 signs you may be under eating: You don’t seem to eat much and you still can’t seem to LOSE weight. How can you possibly eat less? You tend to GAIN weight overnight. A dinner out, a dessert, a glass of wine – it ends up on the scale the next day and … Continued

What Carbs Are Best in Menopause?

Carbs filled with FIBER! For women, gut health is improved with increased fiber daily. A fiber rich diet helps if you want to ward off energy crashes too. These are just two of the many benefits fiber offers… Other benefits include: * Fosters a diverse, happy gut microbiome * Promotes regular bowel movements * Keeps … Continued

How Do You ‘Trust Your Gut’ with Nutrition in Menopause?

Want to be able to ‘trust your gut’ where nutrition is concerned? This might also be called being an ‘intuitive eater’. Individual foods are never the problem, it’s your pattern of eating that may cause health or weight management issues. So you need to recognize your eating pattern: WHY you make some food choices (including … Continued

What Has the Most Impact for Weight Management in Menopause?

What really matters where your health & weight management are concerned? I created a slide deck with visuals to help make it crystal clear. The images are basically the highlights, but if you want more details, watch this video.  This is a little bit longer than my typical ‘reels’, but if you want the details, … Continued