Hot Flash – What Can I Do??

Hot Flashes 😱 🔥 🔥 and what to do about them! What are hot flashes and how long will they last? ➡ Hot flashes can last 30 seconds to 5 minutes ➡ Interestingly enough, not all women experience them ➡ Not all flashes are of the same intensity ➡ Flashes can be as mild as a light blush or severe … Continued

Are Carbs the Devil?

Are carbs the devil? 😈 Will carbs increase belly fat? When can I eat carbs? How many carbs? What kind of carbs? Coach Perri and I give you the low down… It’s important to know WHAT carbs to eat, WHEN to eat them, what to COMBINE them with and HOW many carbs you can eat … Continued

Will Power Doesn’t Work – But THIS Does!

We all have the same amount of willpower. We call can decide what we want to do and what we don’t want to do. Unfortunately, where tough decisions are concerned, if we rely JUST on will power, we often will find ourselves in trouble. For example, if I were faced with a plate of freshly … Continued

Slow Progress? Ask Yourself This…

It’s time to be honest with ourselves.  When looking at your health journey, self examination is a good thing. If we know we’ve done our best, then we can relax. We can stop beating ourselves up – we can know we’re doing our best and that’s all we can do. We can be confident in … Continued

How to Avoid the ‘Rut’ & Achieve Any Goal

We all fall into a rut from time to time. We can all fall back into old habits, sometimes that we may not even notice right away. For example we might find ourselves on the coach watching Netflix instead of working out or at the bottom of a chip bag or ice cream bucket and … Continued

How to Collapse Time to Reach Your Goals

I know the title of this blog post sounds strange…Let me explain… If you want to go from A to B faster, one way is to collapse the time it takes to make the journey  and the fastest way I know how to get somewhere is to get a clear road map. ➡ Wait! Let … Continued

Bloated? Simple Remedies…

Feeling bloated? Please welcome our new team member, nutrition Coach Katie O’Dwyer-Osterhoff as we discuss bloating and some simple remedies… We all get a little bloated from time to time. It’s important to connect the dots between bloating and what you’ve eaten. If eating gluten or dairy consistently bloats your belly, you may re-think some of your … Continued

Butter or Margarine? Is One Better for Fat Loss?

Margarine is a non-dairy product created as a substitute for butter. While originally made from animal fat in the 1800s, today the primary ingredients include vegetable oil, water, salt, emulsifiers, and some also include milk. Butter and margarine spreads may look and taste similar, but they’re not quite the same. Butter is made from fresh or fermented cream or milk. … Continued

Non- Scale Victories and Weight Loss

Buckle down and stay the course…You’ve got this! A client was discouraged with a 6 lb weight loss so I wanted to encourage her and anyone else that’s feeling a bit discouraged at this point. A six pound loss (in 3 weeks) is a 2lb per week loss which is perfect for lasting fat loss. … Continued