Pumpkin Pie for Breakfast?

Who wants pumpkin pie for breakfast? I do! Best of all, this breakfast packs a big protein punch. Protein will keep you full longer, as well as help build/repair lean muscle. Here you go… 1 cup/175g Greek yogurt 1/3 cup/50g Canned pumpkin 1 tbsp/10g Collagen protein 1.5 tsp/8g Maple syrup 1/8 tsp Cinnamon 1/4 cup/30g … Continued

The REAL Reason for Menopausal Weight Gain

Don’t blame your hormones for mid life weight gain. Yes, they play a part of it, but there’s plenty you can do to off set those changes. And it doesn’t require hours of exercise or starvation diets! Learn more here: https://shawnak.com/freebook/

Have You Tried Intuitive Eating?

Have you heard about intuitive eating? Want to ditch dieting for good? Intuitive eating is the end goal for all my clients, but it takes some time to be able to eat whatever you want with confidence. You’ll be a more successful intuitive eater once you have a firm grasp on the energy your body … Continued

Menopause Motivation Hack

Change happens when you feel good. Celebrate. Find all the small wins along the way. And celebrate often. Menopause offers all kinds of challenges… But you’re more likely to stay motivated & keep going when you’re feeling good about the process. Happy to help! If menopause has got you down, let’s talk about small changes … Continued

Case Study: Rosemary

What do you do when what you did before doesn’t work anymore? This happened to Rosemary. She had her workout & nutrition plan DIALLED in, then everything changed when she underwent a partial thyroidectomy. She was… -Gaining weight on 1000 calories a day -Constipated -Hair my falling out -Moody -So tired! We worked together to … Continued

Hack to Curb the Nibbles

Tough love: Those nibbles add up. Weight loss occurs in a calorie deficit. A handful of this & a nibble of that may put you in a calorie surplus. Make a rule to ENJOY everything you eat off a plate so you’re more conscious & intentional. Share this hack with a ‘nibbler’ near you! *And … Continued

Secret to Dropping a Dress Size

Want the secret to permanently dropping that dress size?… This is important to know, especially if you’re battling with menopause hormones…. Are you ready?… There’s actually NO secret… There’s no ONE secret to losing your menopause belly, magically dropping & keeping the weight off… Instead, it’s a series of SMALL changes that will help you … Continued

Hack to Beat the Voices in Your Head

Make a promise, keep a promise. Every time you keep a promise to yourself, you build integrity. In this case, the ‘workout’ habit becomes easier to follow through with. Keep those promises to yourself. Even if it means only doing 10 minutes of your workout. It’s a start & will help build the ‘habit’ of … Continued

What Exercise Burns the Most Calories?

Don’t exercise to burn calories. You won’t stick with an exercise you hate. You’d be better off with long term adherence to a lower calorie burning exercise than pushing yourself to do something you hate & end up quitting. Workouts should be for fun & fitness. You can increase your calorie burn simply by increasing … Continued

Alcohol and Fat Loss

I’m NOT saying you must avoid alcohol if you want to lose weight. What I am saying is that alcohol may inhibit weight loss… So you can make a choice based on knowledge rather than blindly following ‘rules’. If you deem any food ‘off limits’ it becomes all the more enticing & you’re more likely … Continued