When is the Best Time to Eat?
Don’t overthink it. Calorie deficit is KEY where weight loss is concerned. Just find a sustainable way to maintain a small deficit consistently. No one way is perfect. What’s perfect is what works for YOU.
Don’t overthink it. Calorie deficit is KEY where weight loss is concerned. Just find a sustainable way to maintain a small deficit consistently. No one way is perfect. What’s perfect is what works for YOU.
Take a look at just 7 ways menopausal women can benefit from taking fish oil. It doesn’t really matter when you get your omega 3’s or if it’s through food sources or supplement. I take my fish oil supplement at night because on occasion I’ll have a fishy burp if I take in the day. … Continued
All diets work, if you work them. The key to lasting success, is to find what works for you. So implement healthy habits that are sustainable for YOU & forget what everyone else is doing. Need direction? I gotchu. Let’s talk here: https://tinyurl.com/talktoshawna
Working out on your own can be tough! But I have a solution, especially if you lack motivation, time & opportunity to get to a gym. Train with my team & me, either LIVE or with pre-recorded workouts. I have 200+ pre-recorded video follow along workouts (refreshed weekly with new content) as well as LIVE … Continued
No exercise or diet alone is going to work long term to help you lose your menopause belly. Sorry to be harsh. But there is good news… You CAN lose your menopause belly without dieting when you simply… -modify what you’re currently eating (no starving!) -modify a few habits -move appropriately (no crazy back wrenching … Continued
Don’t exercise to burn calories. You won’t stick with an exercise you hate. You’d be better off with long term adherence to a lower calorie burning exercise than pushing yourself to do something you hate & end up quitting. Workouts should be for fun & fitness. You can increase your calorie burn simply by increasing … Continued
Who knew you could fidget your way lean? Studies show that fidgeting can burn between 800-2500 calories a day. Make sure to follow @hubbermanlab on IG & listen to his podcast for more fascinating facts like this! Are you going to start fidgeting more?
Sure, you’re busy, but if you really want to get a full body workout in, you can do it in as little as 15 minutes. Give this workout a try! And, if you want to train with me & my team, join us here: https://tinyurl.com/SKWorkouts
Think: ‘All or Something’ where exercise is concerned. In a pinch, you can maintain your strength by doing a few sets of various bodyweight moves here & there through out your day. While this isn’t the ideal long term strategy, it’s better than doing nothing! And if you’re looking for a great at home option, … Continued
Want nice arms? It all starts at the shoulder… Get a nice shape to your shoulder & your arms will look amazing! Although, I like to do ‘fun’ movements like handstand pushups, handstand walking, jerks, thrusters etc, it’s always great to round them out with some dedicated shoulder moves. Here are my fav exercises in … Continued