Trick to Overcome Temptation

Temptation is the universe’s way of helping you make a better choice. Putting some time & space between you & your choice helps you act with more intention. Every time you make a healthy choice, it makes dealing with temptation a little easier the next time… Build up your wins! If you need more support … Continued

How to Snack & Lose Weight

Need some ideas to quell your appetite while losing weight? Protein is as close to a ‘magic bullet’ for fat loss as you’ll find. Watch for why! And for more tips, grab my book: Lose Your Menopause Belly here:

Case Study: Maria

You don’t have to overhaul your whole life to improve your health… Small changes are the ones that you can implement regularly & make the biggest differences over time. Are you crazy busy, like Maria? She is an empath, always putting others before herself. While this is a beautiful characteristic, Maria felt her health was … Continued

Hip Replacement – My Story

Hip pain? Me too. After seeking out every other treatment (ART, massage, chiro, dry needling), I got imaging to see that I have severe osteoarthritis in my right hip (& moderate OA in my left). Both hips will need replacing. My mental & physical health depend on my ability to move, so rather than waiting … Continued

The Truth About Low Calorie Diets

Are you starving yourself to lose weight? STOP – You’re setting yourself up for failure in 3 ways… 1. Most diets are difficult to maintain for any length of time 2. Your metabolism slows down which makes it EVEN HARDER to lose weight. 3. You set yourself up for rebound weight gain when the diet … Continued

How to Measure Protein

If you want to connect the dots between what you’re ‘really’ eating, how you’re feeling & the results you’re getting, food logging is highly recommend. One key is knowing how to log properly. Understanding how to log protein is a common issue. The actual weight of the protein source isn’t the actual protein in that … Continued

Here’s What 25g of Protein Looks Like

Looking for a magic bullet for weight loss? Protein is as close as you’ll get. Protein helps to keep you full longer & helps to repair & build lean muscle. It helps manage energy levels by reducing insulin spikes when eaten with carbs. Aim to get some protein with every meal & snack (at least … Continued

How to Create Your Own Meal Plan

Meal plans don’t work. More often than not you ate half the food in the plan. Then, if you can’t follow the plan, what’s the point? The best diet is the one who are currently on with a few tweaks. To create your own meal plan here’s what you do: 1. Choose two healthy breakfasts … Continued

Your Calorie Tracker is WRONG

It doesn’t matter how many calories your tracker says you’ve burned. Calorie trackers are wrong – they OVER estimate calorie burn. Here’s what’s needed if weight loss is your goal: 1. Track your calories to understand your intake. 2. Stay active – you’ll actually burn MORE calories through out the day when you do things … Continued

4 Self Care Tips to Handle Tough Times

Are you going thru a rough patch? It happens to all of us from time to time. Currently I’m employing these 4 tips as I navigate a time of family loss & business changes: 1. Protect your sleep – You can handle all ‘the things’ better when well rested. 2. Move – Gentle movement, like … Continued