My Perfect Fat Loss Day

It seemed a bit odd to me when my buddy, Craig Ballantyne, asked me for a report of my perfect 24 hour fat loss day. Why would anyone be interested in a 24 hour period out of my life? Then again… I’m in my late forties and don’t look it. I’m amazingly fit with what … Continued

Nutrition Call: Fresh VS Processed?

Listen is as my nutritionist, Zach from Simply for Life and I discuss the need for fresh vs processed foods. What should you ABSOLUTELY avoid? What’s the next best thing to fresh? This is a short audio packed with a ton of practical tips…

The Soccer Mom Workout

Are you a soccer mom? Hockey mom? Swimming mom? In other words, do you sit in bleachers for any amount of time watching and waiting for someone special (your child) to do their thing? This seems to be a common issue with many of my clients. You spend all your time driving your kids all … Continued

Fashion Flash

I”m a little behind this week given that I got in late last night from an amazing event called the Fitness Business Summit 11. More details and interviews of that to come… We’re starting off this fabulous Tuesday morning with an all new Fashion Flash from some of our favorite bloggers in the fashion, health, … Continued

Welcome to the Challenge Workout Blog!

I’m Shawna Kaminski and I love challenge workouts. Over the years, I’ve developed some crazy hard workouts that I do myself and others have expressed interest in them. This blog is all about how I train and how I can help you to train and accomplish your fitness goals. I want to emphasize that I’m … Continued

Success Story: Lori

Every day I know I have the potential to ‘change lives’ in my boot camp, with my blog and online information. It’s always a pleasure when a client and now friend sends me her story to share with you. I’ll let Lori tell the rest…and thank you Lori for inspiring others! I have been trying … Continued

The Skinny on Water

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking On a Daily Basis? Water has always been one of  those drinks that I continually have a love-hate relationship with. I know that it’s good for me to be drinking water throughout the day. My problem is that if I don’t drink enough in the day, I end … Continued

Hormones and Body Fat

My friend and fat loss expert, John Romaniello,  talks about how hormones can affect body fat and specifically regional fat storage. He has a great program that can address specific regional fat storage: check it out here:

Fashion Flash!

As you know, I’ve teamed up with other women bloggers. You can check out this site: to get info on all the cool topics below: Here’s what you’ll find when you go to that link: Have you ever had the good intentions of getting to the gym or doing a workout and then you … Continued