Full Body Challenge – Bring a Bucket!

Are you ever short on time and need a super fast full body workout?

It happens all the time for me. My days get pretty hairy, just like yours.

Recently, I made a great decision and hired an assistant. That is, one with opposable thumbs, Desi (dog) doesn’t count even though he’s in the office with me every waking moment. My assistant, Krista, is amazing and aside from having a ton of fun in the office, we get a lot of work done. I need to spend some time with her since there’s a ton of procedures to learn, so, I’m spending until 3 pm with her in the office Monday to Friday.

I’ve been my own boss now for a long time and I’ve pretty much done what I want when I want, so working on a specific schedule is a bit different. I know once Krista is in the groove my time will be my own again, but for now it’s sort of office-type hours.

The problem for me is when I’ll train. Krista comes to my boot camp so she gets her workout in early (so jealous!), and I used to train at about noon on boot camp teaching days. I have a gym in my garage (as you’ll see in the video it’s pretty rough!) so it’s just a matter of getting in there.

Now I like to spend the afternoon with her so we can be more productive….so when to train?

Recently, I planned on training right after Krista left. I thought I’d train hard for an hour and have plenty of time to get my son to his flag football tournament. One thing after another happened, as is the case when you train and work at home…and I didn’t hit the gym until 3:30. My son comes barreling in the door and said that we had to leave in 20 minutes for the game.


I didn’t want to miss a workout. I had 20 minutes and if I went a little sweaty to the football game, I thought I could possibly sit behind the bench and blame the hard working players or hope for a breeze…

I managed to pummel my body in a super short time with the workout below, I felt great and I beat the clock.

Here’s a video of a set from this super fast workout:

Here’s what I did:

I did this workout AMRAP style. That is, ‘as many rounds as possible’. I wanted to give you something that you could pretty much do anywhere, that is, without a full gym. The only thing you really need is a pull up bar and a bench or box to jump onto.

-10 pull ups (do assisted pull ups if necessary)

-10 push ups

-10 burpee box jumps

-30 second plank hold (active recovery)


Bring a bucket! This one is fast and dirty! I managed seven rounds. The first round was super fast, about 1:40, but I slowed down after that. Those pull ups and box jump burpees were a killer. Push ups and the plank were really a good break.

I try not to let anything get in the way of my workouts, but when something does, I can always find a way to get around it. I have a hundred years (well, almost half that) of experience under my belt and can pull a workout or idea out at the drop of a hat. Stay close to this blog for more fun and challenging workouts.

Let me know how YOU make out with this one.