Cardio Workouts for Women

Cardio workouts for women often tend to be the long duration, low-intensity cardiovascular exercise that everyone dreads.   Cardio workouts that take up half your day and bore you to tears should be a thing of the past. That is, unless you like spending hours barely sweating and being bored silly.   Think about this: … Continued

Sore Elbows?

I wanted to re-introduce you to my fellow Canuck and all round good guy, Rick Kaselj. He’s been on the blog before talking about how to avoid knee pain. We often meet at ‘mastermind’ meetings where top fitness trainers gather to share their knowledge, and lately we were in San Diego. My elbows were screaming … Continued

Fashion Flash

Here’s the Fashion Flash. It’s the weekly bundle of fashion tips from the top bloggers specializing in over 40 fashion, style and beauty! Every week we take turns hosting the Flash and today Fab Over Forty is the host. Head here for all the links. Fab Over Forty Fab Over Forty interviews founder of beauty … Continued

Josh Carter’s Challenge Workout

If you wanna use your body weight as an excuse for NOT being able to do pull ups, don’t read this post. You may look at me and say, ‘easy for a 120lb person’, but you definitely can’t look at Josh Carter and say the same. Josh runs about 245lbs. He’s a monster. I recently … Continued

Shawna 24/7 Progress Report 2- JoJami

I love my coaching client JoJami Tyler. She’s the style expert at Fabulous After 40 and she’s on day 2 of my coaching program.   As you’ll see by the video, JoJami is NOT overweight by any stretch, however, she’s unsatisfied with how she looks and feels. She wants to feel strong and toned again. … Continued

Shawna 24/7 Progress Report – JoJami

I have the coolest clients!   JoJami Tyler, style expert from Fabulous After 40, is doing my Shawna 24/7 program. She’s just started and wanted to give you a head’s up of what it’s all about.   Here’s what JoJami is excited about:   This is a virtual program, so she’s able to ‘train’ with … Continued

Boost Your Metabolism

Are you looking for a simple way to boost your metabolism? You may be surprised to learn that one of the simplest ways to boost your metabolism involves a mirror. It’s actually not the mirror that you’re thinking of. What I’m talking about to boost your metabolism is that you want your eating to mirror … Continued

Save Your Elbows

Here’s my fellow Canuck and all round good guy, Rick Kaselj. We often meet at ‘mastermind’ meetings where top fitness trainers gather to share their knowledge. We were in San Diego and my elbows were screaming at me so I decided to corner ‘exercise for injury’ guy, Rick for some answers. Here’s what Rick had … Continued

Cooking Tips To Lighten Up

Believe me, cooking is not my strength. I’m known for many ‘flambés’ but not the good kind. I’m often convinced that weight management for me is simply a result of poor cooking skills on my part. Then again, there’s always an abundance of good food everywhere: from the amazing food friends can cook up, to … Continued

Elbow Pain

My elbows and I aren’t on speaking terms. We used to be good buddies, but ever since I decided it would be a good idea to do the human flag, my elbows have revolted. Here I am learning to do the human flag. I was hoping that I’d be able to hold this for 30 … Continued