Hotel Workout

Whether you’re traveling or stuck at home, there’s always a time when you need a bodyweight workout that you can knock out so you can get on with your day.I was on my way to meet with other trainers in the Fit Body Boot Camp family and wanted to get in a quick workout. I … Continued

What’s intermittent fasting? with John Romaniello

Intermittent fasting is a hot topic lately. Lucky for me, (and you because you can live vicariously through me) I rub elbows with the best in the fitness industry and I can chat up pretty much anyone I want to. Recently, when I was in Las Vegas for a fitness meeting, I sat down with … Continued

What’s intermittent fasting with John Romaniello

Recently when I was in Las Vegas, I sat down with my good friend John Romaniello. We were talking nutrition.  As most of you know I’m a big believer in eating six meals a day: low glycemic carbs, lean protein all that stuff, along with never over eating or ever going hungry.   Lately Roman … Continued

Intermittent Fasting Q & A

Last time I was in Vegas, I rubbed elbows with the best in the fitness and fat loss biz. I filmed this interview with ‘Workout Finisher’ Mike Whitfield (who’s lost 100+ lbs) and fat loss expert John Romaniello. I found it an interesting interview that I thought I’d share with you partly because it sort … Continued

Intermittent Fasting Q & A

Intermittent fasting pretty much goes against all that I’ve shared on my blog to date. I know what research says and what works for me. BUT, I am open to new research and other ideas. Last time I was in Vegas for the meeting of the minds of the best in the fitness biz, I … Continued

Skip Off with John Romaniello

I was at a fitness meeting with a big group of fitness pros in Vegas recently. It’s a ton of fun to rub elbows with these peeps and bash around fitness ideas.   I’m happy to report that I’m always mistaken for younger than I actually am. This, no doubt, is due to the fact … Continued

Challenge with John Romaniello

I always wonder how I’d stack up against a muscle head in a strength/HIIT workout. I like to think I’m pretty tough and so I challenged my pal John Romaniello to a mini challenge workout last time we were in Vegas. As it turned out, we got kicked out of the gym for video taping … Continued

February Fashion Flash

Hi! It’s Fashion Flash February, here are my  favorite bloggers.  Check out all the blogs HERE.   Female Fat Loss Over 40, Shawna K (that’s me!), loves ‘workout finishers‘, you can read all about this cool way to drop fat quickly in a super short amount of time.     The Spring Beauty Collections have … Continued

Alternatives to Treating Knee Pain

Guess what? We all have knee pain at some point in our life. Lucky for you, I met two doctors that provided me with a few surprising alternative methods of treating knee pain, or any other pain for that matter. I recorded a call with the good docs for you

The Pull Up Queen Hits the Airport

If you’re traveling, there’s no reason you still can’t get your pull up workout in. Look at it this way, there are so many weirdos in the world, why not be one of them? I travel a fair bit, and sometimes, when I have a lay over or long day, I just can’t get a … Continued