Decline of the Bulgarians and more…

You’ve heard me talk about my pal, Mike Whitfield. He’s lost over 100 lbs. He’s got a crazy sense of humor too. Bert and Ernie used his workout finisher program…check out their energy levels here: To get a lil serious, Mike has a finisher for you here called ‘The Decline of the Bulgarians’: 8 reps … Continued

Tweak This for Faster Fat Loss

My pal, Mike Whitfield has some awesome little circuits for you to do at home, on holidays or where you find yourself. Mike has lost a total of 105 lbs now doing what he calls ‘workout finishers‘. He uses them at the END of his workout to totally toast himself. He does these instead of … Continued

3 Tweaks for Better Results

You have to try this tough and challenging 165-rep metabolic finisher that Mike Whitfield put together. He also has some tweaks you can make to your workout program to get better results. 3 Tweaks for Better Results Mike Whitfield, CTT Author: Workout Finishers You may think that if you’re not getting results from your workout … Continued

Your Best Workout Schedule

How often should I train? These are common questions I get asked: How many days a week should I work out for maximum results? How long should I work out at each session? What is the ideal schedule for burning more fat? Sometimes in an effort to get super fit, people put a wrench in … Continued

Weight Loss at ANY Cost?

How badly do you want to lose weight? Are you cool with experiencing headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, dry mouth, constipation, back pain and cough? How about tumors or heart valve defects? I mean losing weight is pretty important. Who knows if those animals and patients in those tests wouldn’t have developed those conditions anyway? Want … Continued

Fashion Flash July 9, 2012

It’s Fashion Flash Monday and I have some cool tips for looking and feeling hot this summer. Fab Over 40 discovered a tinted moisturizer that stays put, even on oily skin and in the heat of the summer. Black Cat Plus celebrates the winners and positive messages of the Miss Plus America Pageant. Real models ages 50+ reveal their … Continued

Challenge Workout: 100 Reps

100 is a pretty cool number for a challenge workout. I sort of like doing 100 reps of different things. Today it was the squat. I wanted to see if I could beat my time from this workout here. I had that sickly nauseated feeling in the pit of my belly as I warmed up … Continued

4 Tips to Beach Ready in No Time

Okay ladies, here’s the deal. It’s summer. And maybe some of you missed out on the memo back in March that it was time to start getting regular workout to get that killer summer bod you’ve been forever dreaming about. Maybe some of you also missed out on the memo for April…and May… and the … Continued

Want Workout DVD’s?

If you’re looking to shed body fat, there’s simply no getting around the fact that you absolutely must create some sort of caloric deficit. Any way you look at it, you MUST burn more calories than you consume.  Now, it can get quite a bit more complicated than simple math would have us believe, but … Continued