Challenge Warm Up

We all know that getting strong is a good thing, right? You gain confidence, build lean muscle, your metabolism goes up etc. Being strong is obviously a good thing for everyone. And we also know that being flexible is EXTREMELY important, right? You reduce the chance of getting injured, your joints feel better, you move … Continued

7 Great Movements To Boost Your Performance

By this point in your life you may have noticed that there are certain tricks and tips that make life a whole lot easier. I was recently discussing this with my friend and movement expert Tyler Bramlett and I liked what he had to say. You see Tyler is hellbent on increasing peoples results. He’s … Continued

Q and A Nov 9th, 2012

It’s a frozen Friday here where I live in Canada. It’s actually pretty cozy when you’re all bundled inside. I have a chair in my office area that I sit and can look out the window while I work. It’s looking pretty frosty… I don’t mind this weather when I’m on the inside of the … Continued

Cool Fat Loss Trick That Works

Halloween is over, but the crying continues. Of course, I’m talking about the tears that you’ll feel like shedding when you see all the empty Halloween wrappers at your feet. It’s likely that Halloween has had some spooky effect on your nutrition if you’re like most people. One way I defend against indulging in the … Continued

Fashion Flash Nov 5, 2012

  I feel fortunate to be associated with this wonderful group of bloggers that share amazing content for you each week. You’ll see what they have to offer you below: It starts with me and my RANT…I was literally ‘up in arms’ (on the pull up bar specifically) proving University of Dayton researchers that ‘women … Continued

Muscle Up-Day One Workout

It was a typical Sunday morning for your any near 50 year old…. I woke up with the usual Sunday morning itch to do something challenging.  I thought about it all night. I decided it was time to learn the muscle up. I’ve never seen anyone do a muscle up in person and because I’m … Continued

Q and A Nov 2nd, 2012

Thanks to all of you that send me questions. Feel free to pose a question in the comment section of the blog, post on my facebook page, or email me directly at   Question: This is about the nutrition plan blueprint in your program. Can I just follow the food blueprint or do I … Continued

Q and A Nov 2, 2012

I was pretty fired up this week with the New York Times and Globe and Mail and their recent article that ‘women CAN’T do pull ups’. You can see my rebuttal here. Women: I feel my job is to arm you with as many tips and tricks as possible to help you prove the exercise … Continued

Fool Your Body to Lose Fat

It’s all over but the crying. I’m referring to Halloween and the loads of little chocolate bars that possibly found their way down your throat. Today is a new day.Whether you’re a parent or not, it’s likely that you were effected by this goolish holiday. You either handed out treats or inspected pillow cases of … Continued