Pilates – How To

Learning something new: it can be fun but a little overwhelming. Especially if it’s something a little out of your comfort zone. Fitness falls into this category for many of my readers and Pilates especially may be brand new. The nice thing about Pilates is less is more…. My pal and master Pilates trainer, Sylvia, … Continued

Fashion Flash June 3rd, 2013

I bring you the best bloggers on the planet…here’s what they have in store for you this week, check it out! Do you ever feel like you’re going to ‘pee your pants’ when you laugh? Heaven forbid you try a jumping jack if this is the case. I hves a solution for you here. With … Continued


Is your schedule jam-packed? Do you want to get some exercise into your day, but you look at your schedule and it just doesn’t let up? What can you do? Don’t tell me you ‘don’t have time’ to fit in a workout. I’m here to say that there’s always room in a busy schedule for … Continued

Tyler’s Challenge

As you know, I’m all about challenging workouts. The reality is… IF YOU NEVER CHALLENGE YOURSELF YOU WILL NEVER GROW! My good friend Tyler, AKA The Garage Warrior sent over this guest workout which will challenge you to be your best. I highly recommend you give this a watch and try it out for or … Continued

Q and A Friday, May 31st

  I’m so happy to have my blog again! For those of you that didn’t know, I had a server crash (hackers be damned!) and it took some time to get things up and running again. Here’s how this works….I write, you comment and ask questions, then I write more relevant stuff. Got it? I … Continued

Pilates – Dirty Little Secret

No one wants to pee their pants…but I  know it happens all the time. My clients in my fitness boot camps mention it whenever the jump ropes come out or when HIIT options like jumping jacks are offered. Luckily I have mostly women in my camps so we all get a big laugh and no … Continued

Plumbing and Pull ups

Water. It’s all good when you’re thirsty or to dive into on a hot summer day. It’s not so good when you find it on your bathroom floor. Here I am yet again being stubborn. I’m of the mind set that I can do anything. You have to understand the reason I’m under the sink … Continued

Ab-orama Challenge Fat Loss Workout

Looking to show off your abs this summer? Well, there’s bad news in that you can’t ‘spot reduce’, but the good news is that my new M2A scientifically proven workouts will target your belly fat. Workouts are designed to increase production of  fat burning and lean muscle toning GH (growth hormone) while cooling the jets … Continued

The 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge Explained

Just like you, I like to help people. In my online biz, it all started with my pull up program (you can find it here). I listened to YOU and you told me that ‘fat loss’ was an issue. You also mentioned that time your constraints prevented long workouts… I have an issue with just … Continued

Secret to Success

Recently I was at a 50th birthday party. It wasn’t my party, but it was for a long time friend, Elaine. We went to junior high together and I was pleased to see that ‘the old gang’ would be at the party. Turns out that we’re all turning the big 5-0 this year.   We … Continued