More Pull Up Tricks

Pull ups are bad ass. Period. Anyway you slice or dice it, you can’t beat the pull up for athleticism and overall strength. Oh, and you look cool doing them too 😉 I don’t ‘do cool’ much so it’s lucky that at least I can do a pull up to make up for the uncoolness … Continued

Fashion Flash Monday, June 10th, 2013

The Fashion Flash brings together your favorite beauty, health and style bloggers to tell you everything you want to know about getting fit, eating well, looking fab and being the best you can be . . . at any age. Enjoy the articles from the fabulous women who come together each week to bring you … Continued

Edible Gluten Free Pancakes (really)

Edible Gluten Free Protein Pancakes Hard to believe that I created anything so yummy, but it’s true. Ingredients: 3/4 c egg whites 2 scoops Bio-Trust Creamy Vanilla protein powder (you can try another, but I can’t guarantee the fantastic results ) 1 tbsp natural peanut butter 1 tbsp chia seeds Procedure: Mix it all up … Continued

One Weird Exercise You MUST Do

Let’s face it. ‘Mr. Finisher’ Mike Whitfield is straight up weird. I mean who else would accept payment for training in pancakes? I once asked him to be in some workout videos with me and he told me, ‘SURE, as long as we go for pancakes after…’ Is this a sign of a good friend, … Continued

Get Strong – Fun Techniques

As much as I LOVE bodyweight training and I frequently use bodyweight training as a staple, I’m a gym rat at heart and I have a special relationship with iron. This post may not resonate with everyone at first, but I highly recommend you read it and apply some of the principles. These can be … Continued

Q n A June 7th, 2012

  Question: Do you EVER cook anything edible? (Smart ass reader, quite possibly one of my own children) Answer: YES! I recently bragged about a cooking victory on Facebook and promised to put up the recipe… Edible Gluten Free Protein Pancakes Ingredients: 3/4 c egg whites

Quinoa Fruit Salad

This refreshing summer salad is made with quinoa. Quinoa is a gluten-free, protein-packed seed. It’s a complete protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids. Add a side of lean protein to your salad and you’ve got a highly nutritious, balanced meal. Servings: 6 Here’s what you need…     3/4 cup plain non-fat greek yogurt     … Continued

Sweet Paprika Chicken & Veggies

Here’s a new and tasty way to prepare lean chicken and nutritious veggies. Meals that are high in protein and fiber, like this, are exactly what you need to be eating in order to see amazing results. Servings: 8 Here’s what you need…     1/2 teaspoon salt     1/2 teaspoon pepper     16 oz of … Continued

Awesome Abs in 4 Moves

You can now train your core to be stronger than ever, thanks to a few key exercises and an odd ball piece of equipment… In fact, those who reported having back pain issues and were prescribed a kettlebell training program that specifically targeted their abs strengthened their backs and were relieved from their back issues. … Continued

Kettlebell Magic – It Really Works

Does kettlebell training seem a little hard core to you? The kettlebell can be your friend, not necessarily soft and cuddly, but definitely not as intimidating as it may seem. Those people that have been given a kettlebell program that specifically targeted their abs, strengthened their backs and were relieved from their back issues. Canadian … Continued