Super Hero Abs?

Who doesn’t want to have visible, even super hero abs? Dennis shares some of his best techniques to get YOUR abs to show. He says there are two components to ab training: building the abs and then eliminating the fat around the abs. He suggests using hanging leg raises, weighted abs and bumping the intensity … Continued

Power Oatmeal

This oatmeal is packing a powerful ingredient – protein. Mix a scoop of your favorite protein powder into your oatmeal to transform it into a quick and healthy breakfast. Servings: 1 Here’s what you need… 1/2 cup whole grain oats 1 cup water dash of salt 1 scoop high quality protein 1 tablespoon chopped macadamia … Continued

Smoked Salmon Wrap

Salmon is a rich source of omega 3 as well as protein. Couple that with sprouted grain tortilla and fresh arugula and you’ve got yourself a healthy, balanced meal that’s ready in only 5 minutes. Servings: 2 Here’s what you need: 1 Sprouted grain tortilla 1 Tablespoon low fat cream cheese 4 oz Smoked salmon … Continued

Finish Strong!

I hate cardio as you probably already know…. Possibly the only other person I know that hates cardio as much or more than me is Mike Whitfield. This is a fella that you’d think would be a ‘cardio junkie’. I mean he’s lost over 100 lbs and lots of people would think that to lose … Continued

3 Fat-Burning Moves You’re NOT Doing But Should

3 Fat-Burning Moves You’re NOT Doing But Should Mike Whitfield, Master CTT I was just talking with Shawna about this weird conditioning move and how I thought it was for sissies. The truth is that it will get you sweating in about 15 seconds or less. That, along with two other fat-burning moves is what … Continued

How To Squat Without Hurting Your Knees

Fix My Knee Pain This is my good friend and fellow Canuck, Rick Kaselj explaining how to squat properly. Whether you’re doing body weight squats, or squats with additional weight, you need to take care of your knees. Rick’s Fix My Knee Pain plan will help you alleviate any current knee pain you may have … Continued

How To Squat Without Hurting Your Knees

Fix My Knee Pain My good friend and injury expert, Rick Kaselj gives you tips on how to squat properly without injuring the knees. You can find out more about his Fix My Knee Pain program to help you with any knee pain you may have.

Q n A Feb 7

    Question: In trying to do the wall stick up, I am unable to get my arms/hands to touch the wall, let alone press against it.  Is this just plain old lack of flexibility?  Keep trying?  Is there something else to do to convince those arms and hands to lay flat against the wall? … Continued

Savory Broccoli Rabe

Here’s a delicious way to dress up broccoli rabe. Broccoli rabe is a non-heading type of broccoli with long thin leafy stalks that’s topped with small florets. It’s packed with vitamins A, C and K in addition to potassium, iron and calcium. It also contains phytochemicals that fight cancer and improve your overall health. Servings: … Continued

PB&J Makeover

Not all PB$J sandwiches were created nutritionally equal. It all depends on the quality of the ingredients that you use. If you use white bread, corn syrup-filled peanut butter and refined sugar-filled jelly, the result would be a sandwich that will skyrocket your blood sugar, promotes fat storage and leaves you feeling hungry a short … Continued