Poached Pears & Cottage Cheese

Here’s a recipe that serves your sweet tooth like a dessert without derailing your results. Poaching pears is a simply, easy process. The pears end up sweet and tender, like canned pears, but without the added sugars. Serving with low fat cottage cheese adds protein and makes this snack filling and nutritious. Servings: 6 Here’s … Continued

Reverse Aging? A Challenge Fat Loss Workout

Reverse aging? Well, that sounds a little over the top, but learning how to “naturally” control GH (growth hormone) is one the smartest things you can do to reverse aging and keep your body burning fat as you get older. There are specific things you an do within your workout to increase GH which naturally … Continued

What to do if you hate yoga…

Question: I’m looking to improve my range of motion and flexibility. Like you, I’m not a big fan of yoga. Is there any way around not having to endure a yoga session? Bill Answer: Bill, I feel your pain as far as yoga goes. I know that yoga is one of the BEST ways to … Continued

One set of DB’s? Pushing Workout

Here’s a fun workout for you…. What do you do when you have only one set of LIGHT dumb bells but you want a ‘heavy’ workout? The answer is to ‘pre-fatigue’ your body with an exercise that hits the desired muscle LONG before you get to the loaded movement. For example, if you wanted to … Continued

Turkey & Veggie Soup

This soup has everything going for it. The base is broth, not cream. It doesn’t have any added carbohydrates in the form of rice or noodles. And it’s filled with lean ground turkey. Servings: 12 Here’s what you need…     1 teaspoon olive oil     2 garlic cloves, minced     1 bunch of carrots, chopped … Continued

Tropical Chicken Salad

This salad is the perfect pre or post workout meal. It has plenty of protein and fiber, vitamins, minerals and lots of delicious flavor. Servings: 8 Here’s what you need…     1 head cabbage, chopped     1 red bell pepper, chopped     1 mango, chopped     1/2 cup pineapple, chopped     1 bunch cilantro, chopped … Continued

Food rewards and “robust buttocks”

From Lisa Bullock What have cats, dogs, rain, love and fat loss to do with each other? And no, it’s not raining cats and dogs – that was just a sample of my female rambling thought processes this morning.  As a woman you’ll understand that one of our major strengths is multi-tasking and being able … Continued

Bodyweight STRENGTH Workout

Guest Post Body Weight STRENGTH Workout by Forest Vance, author, Body Weight Strong 2.0 I want to talk to you today about how to use body weight training to gain strength. You probably think of body weight training when thinking about conditioning and fat loss. That’s how I used to think about it too. I’ve … Continued

Stop That! (Do This Instead)

Yesterday was Easter and whether you celebrate this holiday or not, there’s a meaningful message of new beginnings associated with it. With that in mind, I want to call you out on a few things you NEED TO STOP and encourage you on a few other things you NEED TO START. Fair enough? So with … Continued

Burn 1000 calories in one workout? (article)

I love a good rant and I can always rely on Kate Vidulich to deliver a GREAT rant!  I was one of those guilty Bootcamp Instructors who called  my 20-10 intervals “tabatas”, but after reading a rant from Kate a few months ago, I quickly changed my tune (just in case she caught me – … Continued