How to Replace Sprints with Bodyweight Exercises

Mike Whitfield, Master CTT Author: Sprint Conditioners Without a doubt, it’s the #1 exercise to get you fit faster than any other move. In fact, this one exercise… –       Improves your conditioning –       Increases growth hormone (which naturally burns fat) –       Improves body composition by helping you keep muscle and using fat as a fuel … Continued

Whoops! I’m in the Dog House

From Lisa Bullock In 2004 I got twitchy feet.  We’d been in our home for about 11 years and loved our house but like many growing families it just didn’t meet our needs anymore and it was probably time to move on. The thought of moving house was scary but exciting.  I knew EXACTLY what … Continued

Classic Chopped Salad

This salad is filled with tender roasted veggies and crunchy fresh lettuce. These foods are fresh and fiber-filled – exactly the kind of meal that defines clean eating. Add a side of lean protein and a tall glass of water for the perfect meal. Servings: 4 Here’s what you need…     1 cup asparagus, chopped … Continued

Sweet Paprika Chicken & Veggies

Here’s a new and tasty way to prepare lean chicken and nutritious veggies. Meals that are high in protein and fiber, like this, are exactly what you need to be eating in order to see amazing results. Servings: 8 Here’s what you need…     1/2 teaspoon salt     1/2 teaspoon pepper     16 oz of … Continued

No Excuses Workout

Shawna K doesn’t use age as an excuse for belly fat. Here she explains her new M2A method of training. Increase lean muscle tone to increase resting metabolic rate and do short intense workouts that create after burn. Here’s a sample workout: Do 30 seconds of work with a 5 second transition.  Use the modifications … Continued

The one where Shawna and Lisa chat….

From Lisa Bullock Shawna and I chat regularly by Skype – we’re in different hemispheres but living parallel lives.  Our kids are similar ages and our attitudes to training are like peas in a pod! So what do Fat Loss Experts chat about when they Skype? Um, like fat loss, duh! (and workout gear, colourful … Continued

#1 Truth About Cardio

Cardio sucks…(oh, that was supposed to be my inside voice). But I may as well say it out loud and tell you why… Steady state cardio – you know the kind where you plod along watching re-runs of ‘The Price is Right’ or other mind numbing sit-com, will simply cause you to become skinny fat. … Continued

Nature’s Anti Aging Magic Bullet?

Have you ever experienced that awkward silence when you guess someone’s age? You know when you’re WAY over? Well that’s happened on occasion and I’ve since decided to always guess reasonably low.   A few new acquaintances must also adopt that theory, but seriously, they’re guessing REALLY low when they try for my age. I … Continued

Become Superwoman Through an Alkaline Diet

Guest Post by Molly Piercy It’s a balancing act, husband, kids, job, house, errands, neighbours, friends, family, bills, dinner.  There are actually times during the day that you can be grateful for sitting ALONE, even if its just a minute on the toilet of all places. (You know exactly what I am talking about) As … Continued

Use Science to Burn Fat

Science. Even if you’re not a science geek, you can use it to burn fat. Actually, I’m a bit of a geek myself and all my challenging workouts are based on scientific principles. For example, my Challenge Fat Loss workouts are based on M2A or muscle metabolism acceleration. Read more about M2A here. This is … Continued