5 Things Scarier Than Friday the 13th

It’s Friday the 13th and my good friend, Kate Vidulich has a fun article for you….take a look: Guest Post By Kate Vidulich What’s scarier than a black cat walking in front on you on Friday the 13th? This… <===(Tell me what you want, what you really, really want Scary Spice!) Now if that didn’t … Continued

Pilates Waist Slimming Workout

Guest Post:  Sylvia Favela If there’s one really noticeable, common element to all of those women who practise Pilates – it would be their sleek, sexy physique.  Just look at today’s top celebrities and you’ll be sure to find that their weekly routine includes Pilates! When practising Pilates you need to keep in mind that … Continued

On-The-Go Ham Cups

Here’s a recipe for the perfect on-the-go energy food. Ham, broccoli and an egg combine for a tasty snack that’s packed with protein and fiber. Make a dozen and enjoy throughout your week. Servings: 12 Here’s what you need…     1 teaspoon olive oil     1 clove garlic, minced     1/2 yellow onion, chopped     … Continued

Turkey, Apple and Goat Cheese Omelet

Meals that are filled with protein and fat, like this omelet, help to curb between-meal cravings. Enjoy the unique flavor blend of turkey, apple, goat cheese and cinnamon. Servings: 2 Here’s what you need…     3 slices turkey bacon     1 small apple     dash of cinnamon     4 egg whites     2 whole eggs … Continued

Can I Eat a Big Dinner and Lose Weight?

It goes against everything you’ve been taught about dieting. In fact I hate the whole concept of ‘dieting’. If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written, including information about my own program, called ‘The 21 Day Challenge Diet‘ you’ll know that I’m not a big fan of diets in general or of just eating a ‘big … Continued

Women and Alcohol (the not so pretty picture)

Recent Australian research indicates that women over the age of 45 are the highest consumers of alcohol after the 18-25 year olds.  If you’re regularly consuming 2-3 glasses of wine more than 4 days a week, this could be you! Australia’s problem only?  Sorry, no. The Wall Street Journal recently ran this article: “Gallup pollsters … Continued

I’m a Big Dreamer – Are YOU?

This blog post is a little unorthodox. I don’t have a new training protocol for you. I don’t have  a nutrition break-through or a recipe. This really isn’t related to fitness, but I have a strong message for you. You see, I’m a little overwhelmed with YOU and I want you to know why…. First … Continued

Hello, Abs?

Guest Post The 3 Most Important Ab Exercises To Master By Kate Vidulich If you pick up any workout guide that promises to deliver six pack abs, you would probably find completely different approaches to ab training. (Except of course if you follow Shawna K and I – our smart, sexy minds think alike…) Some … Continued

Healthy “Fried” Chicken

This recipe meets all 5 of the steps to a healthy dinner. By baking the chicken and using low-carb flours, this recipe has half of the calories and 80% less fat than traditional fried chicken. Serve with a side of vegetables and a salad. Servings: 6 Here’s what you need…     2 eggs     2 … Continued

Garden Fresh Salad

The best salads are a cornucopia of fresh vegetables, with little or no added fat. This salad combines some of the garden’s tastiest veggies and is dressed lightly with no added oils. Serve with a side of lean protein for a healthy, vibrant meal. Servings: 4 Here’s what you need…     4 eggs     1 … Continued