Where Did 61 Years Go?

Ever wonder where the years go? Presently, I couldn’t be happier with life, even though it turned out differently than I anticipated. If I were to offer any advice, it’s to ‘put on your own oxygen mask first’, self care is more important than you may give it credit. I’ve always prioritized my health and … Continued

Shocking Numbers for Menopausal Women

Time for some tough love… Women who don’t lift heavy weight can expect to lose 3% of their muscle mass every decade after age 30, and up to 50% of their muscle mass by age 80. 10.1097/BOR.0b013e328358d59b The national center for health statistics says only about 26.9% of women strength train. So 73% of you … Continued

What To Do When You Don’t ‘Feel’ Like Exercising…

Are you sitting on the sidelines? Because you’re not comfortable doing new things or going to new places? Being physically fit gives you the freedom to enjoy so much more in life. Whether that’s enjoying life at home or exploring the world… You’d be surprised at the compound effect of small efforts over time. Don’t … Continued

Genetics & Aging

Genetics? There’s both good & bad news… Genetics has only a small impact on longevity, according to a new study involving more than 400 million people: https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.301613 Longevity is mostly decided by lifestyle, with less than 10% down to DNA. So it doesn’t matter much if you’ve been dealt a rough hand or a winning … Continued

FORGET Motivation & Take This Approach with Your Habits

Don’t wait for motivation, because even if or when you feel motivated, it won’t last. That’s why creating a HABIT is the answer to GET THINGS DONE. Especially when you don’t ‘feel’ like doing the thing. Just create a habit to DO THE THING and rinse & repeat… I know that creating and consistently implementing … Continued

Meal Planning Secret (Coaches Don’t Want You to Know!)

Your coach should make your life easier! (But some may feel threatened if you feel empowered to create your own recipes.) Remember your recipe will only be as good as the prompt you provide….So, be SPECIFIC with the nutritional info & calories you need in the recipe. If you need help with personalized nutrition specifics, … Continued

Can You Do This Drill? (Even in Menopause)

Motion is lotion…. And, if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it! *Not to be confused with when you made a face and your mom told you it’d freeze like that… I digress… Since having both hips replaced, I’m always looking for creative ways to stay mobile. This movement opens the chest, shoulders and hips, … Continued

Change Your Focus!

Are you guilty of seeing your every physical flaw too? I don’t know a woman who doesn’t to this. When you focus on the things you hate about your body… You miss all the amazing things it’s capable of. I’m working to change my focus from superficial & inconsequential aesthetics. So I can fully appreciate … Continued

Why You Should Do Things You Don’t Want to Do

Want more willpower? Do hard things… The anterior mid-cingulate cortex (aMCC) in your brain is activated when you do things that you don’t really want to do… So, the harder things you do, the harder things you CAN do over time. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2019.09.011 It’s like building a muscle. Activation of the aMCC is ELEVATED with more … Continued

How Consistent Are You with Nutrition? Try This Test

Consistency is KING when it comes to achieving anything, ESPECIALLY with weight loss.  How consistent with nutrition are you really? Here’s a way to track your progress towards your weight loss goal. Put a blue check mark at the end of the day if you hit your nutrition goal. Put a red X if you … Continued