How Menopausal Women Can Maintain Weight Over the Holidays

The holidays can be full of extra calories so it’s best to manage your expectations regarding weight loss. You’ll likely just end up ruining your holiday experience and still not lose weight if you’re trying to ‘diet’. Aim for weight maintenance during the holidays. And a 10 minute post meal walk can help! . Or … Continued

Your Habits in Menopause…

Are you paying attention? A handful of this and a bite of that can add up and if weight loss is your goal, it’s just not going to happen if you’re unaware of your habits. Maybe your goals & habits are misaligned? May be you’ve let habits slide? Small habit tweaks can move you closer … Continued

Are You Getting Enough Calcium in Menopause?

Are you getting enough calcium? Do you even know? As a daily Fairlife milk drinker, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt eater, I was surprised to learn I wasn’t hitting the mark. Here’s a link to a free nutrient calculator to help you determine if you’re getting enough calcium. Here’s what women need: Age 19-50 years: … Continued

Walking in Menopause is Good But Don’t Forget To Do This…

Don’t make the mistake of thinking walking is ‘enough’. It is, along with a few weekly sessions of resistance training. Because you want to stay STRONG as you age… YES to all these benefits of a daily walk: Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, … Continued

Painful Set Back in Menopause?

Are you injured or nursing a chronic pain? Sadly in menopause there’s far too much of this, but I want you to be encouraged. There’s hope, even if you’re experiencing a serious issue like a joint replacement. After having BOTH hips replaced 18 months apart, I can say I’m almost as strong as I was … Continued

Heavy or Light Weights in Menopause?

’Heavy’ or ‘light’ is a matter of personal preference as long as you’re lifting. Both lifting heavy and light have a ‘downside’: High reps with lower weights are painful, they burn & you run out of breath. You may stop at 15 reps when you could actually do 20 reps which are the ones that … Continued

A New Perspective on Aging…

Aging and how time accumulates is a funny thing. Every day you wake up, you may not notice the passage of time… Until you do.  You might notice aches or pains or hit a milestone birthday and wonder, ‘Wow, how did that number get so big?’ I’m with you… You may look in the mirror … Continued

You ARE What You Repeatedly Do…

Small hinges swing big doors. In other words, it’s the small things that will change your life over time. This can work in a both positive and negative ways. You don’t need to overhaul your entire life to be on a healthier path. . Consider doing something small. Examples may be something simple like: -doing … Continued

7 Uncommon Thoughts About Fat Loss & Menopause

You may not want to hear some of these things (except the last point!), but the fact is, as you go through menopause, your body isn’t BROKEN, it’s just different. It’s what you do MOST of the time that affects your health results. A little exercise OFTEN is better than a lot of exercise infrequently. … Continued

Best Cardio to Do in Menopause?

Feel like nothing works to reduce your increasing belly fat? Cardio *done right* can get rid of your menopause belly and visceral fat and the good news is it doesn’t take a ton of time. But it does take EFFORT. Enter SIT: sprint interval training. Here’s how to do SIT: Warm up 5 min (easy … Continued