Injured? Can’t Workout? Consider This

We all get injured from time to time. Yes, you should rest whatever is injured & seek some sort of therapy if needed… But you still can probably do SOMETHING to stay fit. Consider training other body parts, your core or doing a completely different activity. Exercise of some sort will provide a mental boost … Continued

Case Study: Maria

You don’t have to overhaul your whole life to improve your health… Small changes are the ones that you can implement regularly & make the biggest differences over time. Are you crazy busy, like Maria? She is an empath, always putting others before herself. While this is a beautiful characteristic, Maria felt her health was … Continued

Hip Replacement – My Story

Hip pain? Me too. After seeking out every other treatment (ART, massage, chiro, dry needling), I got imaging to see that I have severe osteoarthritis in my right hip (& moderate OA in my left). Both hips will need replacing. My mental & physical health depend on my ability to move, so rather than waiting … Continued

How to Create Your Own Meal Plan

Meal plans don’t work. More often than not you ate half the food in the plan. Then, if you can’t follow the plan, what’s the point? The best diet is the one who are currently on with a few tweaks. To create your own meal plan here’s what you do: 1. Choose two healthy breakfasts … Continued

Your Calorie Tracker is WRONG

It doesn’t matter how many calories your tracker says you’ve burned. Calorie trackers are wrong – they OVER estimate calorie burn. Here’s what’s needed if weight loss is your goal: 1. Track your calories to understand your intake. 2. Stay active – you’ll actually burn MORE calories through out the day when you do things … Continued

4 Self Care Tips to Handle Tough Times

Are you going thru a rough patch? It happens to all of us from time to time. Currently I’m employing these 4 tips as I navigate a time of family loss & business changes: 1. Protect your sleep – You can handle all ‘the things’ better when well rested. 2. Move – Gentle movement, like … Continued

You’ve Been Lied To…

You’ve been lied to about belly fat… Here are 3 facts to remember: 1. Everyone has belly fat. In fact some belly fat is healthy & normal. 2. Fat distribution is genetic. Some people hold more fat in their belly region. 3. You can’t sit up your way to belly fat loss, you can strengthen … Continued

Simple Tip to Change Your Health Forever

Question… How do you know how to breathe? Heal a cut? Create a baby? Lose weight? You don’t, but your body knows. So instead of trying to trick your body into weight loss, just give your body what it needs & it’ll do the rest. Listen to your body’s cues. Eat healthy food when you’re … Continued

Can’t Lose Weight?

How consistent are you on the weekends? If you’re ‘on the path’ nutritionally during the week, but fall off track on the weekends, this could be the reason why you continue to ‘maintain’ your weight’. Rather than being super strict during the week, then feeling the need to binge on the weekend, you might do … Continued

Eat This Not That for Better Sleep

Can’t sleep? Choose your evening foods wisely. Foods to avoid include: -Processed foods high in sugar can cause an insulin spike & then subsequent cortisol spike -Spicy foods can cause acid reflux -Alcohol & caffeine disturb deep levels of sleep & promote wakefulness Here are some before bed ideas to help you get more shut … Continued