3 Most Effective Menopause ‘Hacks’

Stop looking for a magic pill, powder or potion! If weight loss is your goal, you need simple, consistent habits. They aren’t complicated or sexy, but over time, they work. Weight loss is meant to be slow. Be patient. It helps having someone in your corner to ride the ups & downs of the scale … Continued

Making a New Year’s Resolution?

Don’t do it! You don’t need to wait until New Year’s or the start of the week or month to decide to make a change. And to improve your health, you don’t need to change EVERYTHING. Just pick ONE thing to do at ANY time & just start. Need help? I’m here for you, let’s … Continued

Menopause & Your Memory

Ladies 40+ is your memory failing? As estrogen declines, your memory can be negatively affected. While there are some age related issues that are out of your hands, the behaviors below can aid your memory: -Protect your sleep -Eat whole & healthy foods (limit low quality processed foods) -Include an Omega 3 supplement -Exercise your … Continued

Can’t Sleep? Try this…

Morning sunlight is a game changer to improve sleep. Try to get 10 minutes of natural sunlight within an hour of waking to set your body’s Circadian rhythm. For those of us in northern climates, that means using an artificial light that pumps out 10,000 lumens. What other sleep tips work for you? I’ve got … Continued

Waiting on Fat Loss Results

Fat loss results take time… Stick with it! Your goal over the holidays should be weight MAINTENANCE. You set yourself up for failure & disappointment if you’re trying to lose weight during the holidays. Remember that every meal doesn’t need to be a fiesta. But enjoy those holiday foods… And I’m ready for you when … Continued

3 Mistakes 3 Tips to Lose Your Menopause Belly

If you could lose your menopause belly on your own, wouldn’t you be doing it or have done it by now? I’m not trying to be sassy, I just know the challenges of menopause & going it alone is even harder. If you’re at the end of your rope in frustration, I’ve got some answers … Continued

When is the Best Time to Eat?

Don’t overthink it. Calorie deficit is KEY where weight loss is concerned. Just find a sustainable way to maintain a small deficit consistently. No one way is perfect. What’s perfect is what works for YOU.  

Something’s Fishy: Menopause & Fish Oil

Take a look at just 7 ways menopausal women can benefit from taking fish oil. It doesn’t really matter when you get your omega 3’s or if it’s through food sources or supplement. I take my fish oil supplement at night because on occasion I’ll have a fishy burp if I take in the day. … Continued

Fidget for Fat Loss?

Who knew you could fidget your way lean? Studies show that fidgeting can burn between 800-2500 calories a day. Make sure to follow @hubbermanlab on IG & listen to his podcast for more fascinating facts like this! Are you going to start fidgeting more?  

The ‘Best Diet’ for Women 40+

The ‘best’ diet is something sustainable with NO foods off limits and a move towards intuitive eating. Food logging is needed to become an intuitive eater so you can connect the dots between what you’re eating, how you’re feeling and the results you’re getting. I like to work with what a client is currently eating … Continued