Menopause? Don’t Buy These…

Save your money. Instead, invest it in education & accountability. Menopause is just a phase, like puberty that we just have to get through. We can make it easier by eating healthy foods, adding reasonable exercise, reducing stress & protecting sleep. No pill, powder or potion is gonna magically ‘cure’ menopause or make symptoms go … Continued

Does Your Weight Really Matter?

Married to the number on the scale? Does that number really matter? Please neutralize that number & focus on something else. My hope is that you want to feel good & look better in the mirror more than achieve a weight loss number. The way to do that is to focus on maintaining & building … Continued

Want to Lose Weight? STOP This

Just stop… If a nutrition plan isn’t sustainable, your weight loss will be temporary. And no one wants to regain weight (and more)… Start with ONE small healthy change: 💧more water… 😴more sleep… 🚶‍♀️more movement… 🥚more protein… Start small. Happy to help, let’s chat to see what small change you should start with:

Case Study: Lauren

Slow weight loss? Lauren wanted to give up! There were weeks that the scale didn’t budge! But, she was patient & trusted the process. You can’t speed up a process that’s meant to be slow! Not only did Lauren lose 25 lbs, she did it while recovering from a ruptured achilles. She is one amazing … Continued

Case Study: Andria

Andria has found her happy place! She’s a busy mom & math professor that just got off track. She found herself overweight & unhappy. Then she found my fitness boot camp: Calgary NW Fit Body Boot Camp. She never thought that she’d enjoy boot camp so much. She loved the welcoming atmosphere & now loves … Continued

Does Walking Reduce Belly Fat?

I’m all for hard workouts but exercise will only burn 5-10% of your daily calories… So how can you burn more calories without more hard workouts? Enter NEAT: non-execise activity thermogenesis. NEAT can burn up to 20% or more of daily calories. Examples of NEAT include things like walking, gardening, light housework, stairs, simply moving! … Continued

Skin Cancer – A Cautionary Tale

I’m sharing my skin cancer experience to create awareness & encourage you to take care of your skin. Skin cancer is no joke… But it’s very treatable, so please make sure to get any unusual moles or markings checked. My face is like a fiery mosquito bite. But will hopefully it’ll be cancer free after … Continued

Does Metabolism Tank After Age 40?

Did you turn 40 & BAM the belly fat piled on? While this is common, it doesn’t have to be the case. Typically we tend to lose a little lean muscle as we age so (if we’re lucky), we may weigh the same amount, but with the body composition change, we burn less calories. So, … Continued

Great Books to Achieve Fat Loss Results

Health transformation starts by changing your habits. James Clear’s ‘Atomic Habits’ is an excellent read. Check it out! And here’s another… No diet plan will help like a simple change of habits can. Another great read is the book ’Tiny Habits’ by BJ Fogg… Fogg maintains that transformation happens we you feel good about what … Continued

Why You’re NOT Losing Weight

There are MANY reasons that weight loss isn’t happening for you. Here are a few videos with reasons and you’ll also find a TIP or actionable step to help you. Part 1 – Focus on Your Habits Setting progress goals over outcome goals is the best course of action. A progress goal is something like: … Continued