Shawna 24/7 Progress Report 2- JoJami

I love my coaching client JoJami Tyler. She’s the style expert at Fabulous After 40 and she’s on day 2 of my coaching program.   As you’ll see by the video, JoJami is NOT overweight by any stretch, however, she’s unsatisfied with how she looks and feels. She wants to feel strong and toned again. … Continued

Elbow Pain

My elbows and I aren’t on speaking terms. We used to be good buddies, but ever since I decided it would be a good idea to do the human flag, my elbows have revolted. Here I am learning to do the human flag. I was hoping that I’d be able to hold this for 30 … Continued


Are you training enough? Are you training too much? For some of my clients, training is like breathing or eating…just a necessity of life.     And with this sort of attitude toward exercise, you’re likely to have to deal with injury and the possibility of over training at some point in your athletic career. … Continued

Metabolic Resistance Training

My mentor and good friend Craig Ballantyne has a program that I highly recommend.  There’s so much fluff out there, I want to turn you onto the best so you don’t waste your time and money. CB’s program’s are the best…why would I choose a mentor unless I felt this way? Now over to fitness … Continued

At Home Workouts for Women

At home workouts for women can be simple and include as few as three exercises:   squat jump push ups painful push away (one arm)   You’d be surprised at how much your body will tone up with these three exercises in an at home workout for women.   Often times, ladies will want to … Continued

Fitness and Your Better Half

Guess what? If you’re married or have a significant other, your biggest ally and enemy are one and the same: your spouse. Of course this is something that you already knew. Have you thought about it in terms of your fitness and fat loss journey? Not surprisingly, your spouse can be the missing link to … Continued

Best Leg Exercises

Good news: the best leg exercises are the most challenging. I say that’s good news for you because I’m assuming since you’re on this blog that you’re up for any kind of challenge to improve your leg strength, endurance and fit in your jeans better. Have you seen those dudes in the gym that have … Continued

Best Tummy Toning Exercise

You may be surprised at what the best tummy toning exercise is. Most people think it’s a crunch or sit up of some sort.   In fact, the best tummy toning exercise doesn’t involve any type movement and is actually quite static in nature. The best tummy toning exercise is an isometric contraction, or pose. … Continued

3 Best Leg Toning Exercises

What are the 3 best leg toning exercises? There are so many leg exercises to choose from, how do you narrow it down to the ‘3 best leg toning exercises‘? I’ll do it for you… Any kind of leg work should be using compound movements. By this I mean, you shouldn’t be seated anywhere, and … Continued

Timed Full Body Blaster

Do you have 20 minutes? Then you have time for this quick and dirty full body workout. You’ll need a mat, dumb bells and water on hand cuz you’re gonna work up a sweat. You’ll see my apprentice, Allie, putting a few campers through their paces at an outdoor boot camp. I’m on the other … Continued