Peace, Love and Burpees

Have you ever fallen in love?   I mean really fallen, head over heels?   It’s happened to me.   I’ve fallen in love recently. Let me tell you about him. I’ve literally fallen to the ground over this guy.   And, I’ve got to say he takes my breath away.   He makes me … Continued

How to Do Five Chin Ups

If you’re working on getting five chin-ups, I’ve got some tips for you that will help reach your goal. First of all, most people think that getting up to the bar is what builds strength. It’s actually the lowering down from the bar, the eccentric contraction that helps you build strength. What you want to … Continued

3 Arm Toning Exercises for Women

Here’s an article sent to me from Joan at The Women Lifestyle Blog: Arm exercises for women are aimed at getting women the toning in their arms that they know they deserve. Do these exercises, then look forward to showing off your well-toned arms in four to six weeks. 1. Skull Crusher Skull crusher is … Continued

Peace, Love and Burpees

I’ve fallen in love recently. Let me tell you about him. Well, I’ve got to say he takes my breath away. He makes me buckle at the knees. I get all woozy with butterflies in my stomach at the thought of him. I’ve been seeing him everyday for the last couple of weeks.     … Continued

How to Do a Chin Up

Many of you want to learn how to do a chin up. It’s a great goal to have and it’s not impossible. There’s a difference between a pull up and a chin up. First of all a pull up is an overhand grip and chin up is an under handgrip. If you want to do … Continued

100 Burpee Challenge

I get called out on Facebook all the time. Awesome. This time my call out came from amazing trainer Jared DiCarmine. He sends us this challenge below. Also, you’ll see my video results for the 100 burpee challenge, so read on… Take it away Jared: I have to say that the best time that I … Continued

How to Do a Pull Up

Lots of you are working on getting your very first pull up. I’m here to help with some tips.   You can watch the demonstration in the video below and read on for more tips on getting your very first pull up:

I Challenge YOU!

If you’re on this blog, then it’s safe to say that you’re looking for a challenge workout of some sort. I love a challenge and will try most anything (within reason). Okay, not quite anything, let’s narrow it down to workouts… I have years and years of training experience behind me and if a workout … Continued

100 Burpee Pull Up Challenge

I’ve found the perfect exercise: the burpee pull up. Well, I’m not sure what it’s perfect for…mostly losing your lunch. No one should feel the need to throw money away on fitness gadgets and gimmicks to improve their fitness level. I know more people that go out and buy expensive treadmills and bikes and elliptical … Continued