The 10 Minute Rule for Exercise in Menopause

Here’s where the 10 Minute Rule comes in… You know you ‘should’ do some movement, but you just don’t ‘feel like’ you have the time, energy or an idea to get started…. Here’s the scoop: Instead of feeling pressured to commit to long workouts, start with just 10 minutes of exercise, even if it’s just … Continued

Sorry to Menopausal Women…

I’m sorry… At one time I definitely didn’t give the credit due to walking as a regular form of exercise… There are far too many barriers to exercise that might make you want to throw your hands up in despair. While it’d be great if you could include strength training… Don’t be discouraged if all … Continued

Benefits of Mobility Work During Menopause

Navigating menopause can be challenging, and if you’re working out, you may find that your body requires more rest between workouts. For me, this is where incorporating mobility work fits in. Mobility work offers significant benefits on it’s own or on top of your regular workouts: 1. Improved Joint Health Regular mobility exercises enhance joint … Continued

How to Avoid Embarrassing Falls in Menopause

Let’s talk about single-leg strength training because, let’s face it, we can’t all be graceful swans as we age!  You might think two legs are enough, but one-legged exercises are like that secret sauce that keeps you strong, balanced, and functional as you age. Why, you ask? Well, balance is key! As we age, our … Continued

Can You Do This? Mobility Test in Menopause

This simple sit & rise test is more challenging that it looks. If you’re unsuccessful at first, try one of the modifications in the video. But definitely practice this move. This sit & rise from the floor skill is associated with all cause mortality. Simply practicing it can help you stay strong over time. … Continued

Is ‘Mediocre’ Exercise Enough in Menopause?

‘Mediocre’ days are common…especially where your exercise is concerned.  Some days you may not be feeling it, you may have no energy and you might even wonder if what you’re doing even counts… I’m here to say it does! It all adds up. Personally, over the years, I can’t tell you how many times I … Continued

What 6 Months of Daily Planking Has Taught Me

It feels good to keep a promise to yourself! Here’s what I’ve learned about planking daily: You can plank anywhere You always can find time to plank Habits get easier the more they’re repeated Sometimes you need to get creative It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks If something is important, you’ll do it even … Continued

Walking Can Save Your Life

Don’t make the mistake of thinking walking is ‘enough’. It is, along with a few weekly sessions of resistance training. Because you want to stay STRONG as you age… YES to all these benefits of a daily walk…It can help you… * Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat * Prevent or manage various … Continued

Best Exercise for Menopausal Women?

There’s NO Special Exercises for MENOPAUSAL Women You should be doing: pulling pushing single arm and leg movements mobility balance work plyometrics (jumping) sprinting The difference is in the variations of exercises and intensity of your workouts. Maybe you’re using machines instead of free weights. Maybe you’re sprinting on a rower rather than running on … Continued