Change Your Focus!

Are you guilty of seeing your every physical flaw too? I don’t know a woman who doesn’t to this. When you focus on the things you hate about your body… You miss all the amazing things it’s capable of. I’m working to change my focus from superficial & inconsequential aesthetics. So I can fully appreciate … Continued

Why You Should Do Things You Don’t Want to Do

Want more willpower? Do hard things… The anterior mid-cingulate cortex (aMCC) in your brain is activated when you do things that you don’t really want to do… So, the harder things you do, the harder things you CAN do over time. It’s like building a muscle. Activation of the aMCC is ELEVATED with more … Continued

How Consistent Are You with Nutrition? Try This Test

Consistency is KING when it comes to achieving anything, ESPECIALLY with weight loss.  How consistent with nutrition are you really? Here’s a way to track your progress towards your weight loss goal. Put a blue check mark at the end of the day if you hit your nutrition goal. Put a red X if you … Continued

What to Do When Your Life is Out of Control in Menopause

Does your life feel out of control? There seem to be seasons where it’s just ONE thing after another! Menopause tends to be one of those seasons :/ CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN. Taking charge of your nutrition will provide some grounding. Choices don’t need to be perfect. Prioritizing protein, adding fiber, drinking lots of water … Continued

Lost Motivation? Do THIS

Motivation is fickle… If you’re motivated, run with it, enjoy it. But also know that it won’t last. And when it’s running low, there’s NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. Lack of motivation happens to even the MOST successful people in all walks of life. The secret to their continued success is to TAKE ACTION, even when … Continued

Want to Look & Feel Younger in Menopause?

Stop looking for a single ‘magic bullet’. Healthy habits are force multipliers. No SINGLE habit will… get you to your ideal weight keep your bones & muscles strong provide clearer thinking bring joy bring longevity with quality of life Put small habits together & you’ve got the recipe for the fountain of youth. Happy to … Continued

Another Reason to Increase Fiber in Menopause

The 15th reason to eat more fiber? Add combat cognitive decline to the list! This study concluded: Higher dietary fiber intake is associated with improved specific components of cognitive function in older adults aged 60 years and older. Why wait until you’re 60+ to increase fiber when there are these additional benefits of fiber: … Continued

Motivation & Menopause

You’re not alone if you don’t feel like working out. But DO NOT WAIT FOR MOTIVATION. Just START. Do your warm up and if there’s no gas in the tank, pack it in for another day. Maybe your body needs a bit more rest and you can try again tomorrow. But, more often than not, … Continued

Joint Replacement and Menopause (My Update)

Are you facing joint replacement? I’m here to tell you that you’re going to be ok. It’s scary but if you have the option for replacement, go for it. You’ll never be as young and strong as you are RIGHT NOW. And you’re only going to decline and get compensatory injuries the longer you wait. … Continued

Can’t Lose Weight in Menopause? (Mystery Solved)

Are you paying attention to the details? I’m not being a jerk in this video, but if weight loss is elusive, maybe you’ve let some habits slide? Small tweaks to: -Increase protein & fiber -Reduce un-supportive foods -Reduce stress -Increase sleep quality -Move more Will make all the difference over TIME… And that’s what you … Continued