Tried Everything to Lose Weight?

I hear this all the time. Many women 40+ feel frustrated & at the end of their ropes trying so many weight loss plans unsuccessfully. I never thought my age would be my greatest asset in helping women, but it sure is since I’ve ‘been there & currently doing that’ where maintaining a healthy weight … Continued

Cravings Got You Like…

Do you have voices in your head too? The best way to combat them is to avoid starvation diets in the first place. Getting too hungry leads to binge eating. If that voice keeps tempting you, take 5 minutes. Sometimes you’re not even hungry. Often you may eat because you’re angry, lonely, tired or stressed. … Continued

Overwhelmed? 3 Tips to Get Fitness Started

Stop procrastinating Timing will NEVER be right to change a habit or start something new like a fitness routine. Start small where you’re at. Take baby steps. You got this! I can help. If you want to workout with my team & me, go here: I’m taking baby steps as I return from hip … Continued

Feeling Deprived?

  Eat the treat! Or whatever it is you want. Sustainable weight loss means learning to incorporate your guilty pleasures into your plan. Life without your favorite foods just isn’t worth living. If you continue to deprive yourself, you’ll just end up binging. So, instead of restricting yourself completely, include those foods from time to … Continued

Need a Detox to Lose Weight?

  You don’t need to do a detox to lose weight. Unless you don’t have a liver. You’ll only lighten your wallet & spend unnecessary time in the bathroom with a detox. Sustainable weight loss comes from consistent nutrition of wholesome foods. Stop looking for the quick fix. Join my Food Camp to discover how … Continued

Bikini Confident: 3 Steps

There’s nothing magical about being confident in a bikini! Here are 3 things to do NOW to look & feel better soon: Here we go… 1️.Reduce or cut out processed foods – things in bags & boxes with long ingredient lists. These increase inflammation & make weight loss more of a challenge. 2️.MOVE! Try to … Continued

Always Hungry?

  Have you considered just eating MORE? You make more progress when you maintain just a SLIGHT calorie deficit & lose weight slowly, than to slash calories & end up binging… Because, if your diet isn’t sustainable, the results won’t be either. The goal is to eat as MUCH as possible while still being in … Continued

Tip to Reaching Your Fitness Goal

Feeling frustrated that you haven’t achieved your fitness goals? Instead of focusing on where you want to be… Focus on the baby steps each day to get there. Get a coach to guide you. And you’ll achieve more than you can imagine. I can help! (Just like my awesome physiotherapist, Juhi, helped me!). Even tho … Continued

Can You Sleep Your Way Lean?

Improving your sleep could be one of the easiest ways to help with weight loss… Go here for my 30 day sleep calendar: