Best Tips for Summer Fat Loss

Summer is on the way and you have a short time to be looking your best. Don’t despair, there IS time to make changes to your body! I have to say that part of looking good is feeling confident. When you make positive steps towards self care by making healthy choices, you can’t help but … Continued

Summer Shorts? Leg Toning Mini Workout

Who wants to be wearing shorts this summer? It’s not too late to tone up those legs! Here’s a quick and easy, well, not easy to do, but easy to follow mini leg workout.   Use the audio program from Female Fat Loss Over 40, or a timer of some sort:   20/10 timed set: … Continued

A Spoonful of Sugar – Hard to Swallow Advice

I know that you’re looking to get into your swimsuit or even just shorts and short sleeves this summer. I wanted to share with you my single best piece of advice in order to fast track you into your bikini. While this advice is sound, you may have a hard time swallowing it. Sugar….who’d a … Continued

Chocolate Truffles

Every now and then you just have to have chocolate. So here’s a recipe that packs a nutritional punch as well as it will help curb that craving: 1 cup Raw Walnuts/Almonds 3-4 Tbl. Raw Cacao/Cocoa powder (will say on the package it’s raw) ½ cup Dates or 4 Tbl. raw honey or raw Agave … Continued

Kids and Fitness

I know that many of my clients are parents and have questions regarding fitness and kids. So, here’s an article I wrote for you…let me know your thoughts in the comment section! Children are probably the most at risk population for disease if current health-lifestyles are maintained.  The current generation lives in a world where … Continued

Banana Coffee Smoothie

Here’s a great start to your day: 1 banana 10 oz skim milk 1 8 oz container of Greek no fat yogurt 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1 tbsp instant coffee dash of nutmeg 3 ice cubes 1 scoop (15-20 grams) whey protein (vanilla) Throw it all into a blender or magic bullet and blend until smooth. … Continued

My Saturday Lunch Date(s)

Here are my ‘inner circle’ of boot campers. These incredible ladies get to camp 5 days a week and have committed to a year of  my…fun.  I thought it would be nice to treat them to lunch so I bribed them with food and no push ups. It was so nice to see everyone … Continued

High Protein Granola Bars

Nadine from the 9:30 am boot camp shared her protein granola bars with me and I asked her for the recipe. They are super yummy! Thanks for sharing Nadine! These granola bars are all natural, super healthy, and they taste great! We make them all the time. You can substitute dried fruit for the chocolate … Continued

The Mediterranean Diet

Eva B. Alexander contacted me and asked if she could share some info about the Mediterranean Diet on my blog, so here goes…Take it away Eva! Most people say the Mediterranean diet is high in fat. Can people still lose or maintain weight on a Mediterranean diet?

My 4pm Secret Weapon

Hey, how many of you do really well with your nutrition until just before supper? By the time 4 pm rolls around, how many of you fall totally off your program and eat anything in sight? Then you eat less dinner but get hungry by 8 or 9 pm and snack too much before bed. … Continued