Want Some Great Cooking Ideas?

My colleague Belinda Benn has an amazing “Get Lean”program that she’s followed and it’s given her amazing results. Here’s a cool cooking video for you. You can see that the food she eats and has in her program isn’t your normal ‘diet fare’. You can check out her program CLICK HERE

Another Awesome Non-Treadmill Workout

Cardio equipment isn’t all bad. Today I did an amazing workout on my Lifecycle where I was on and off the bike the whole time. You could do this workout with any kind of cardio equipment. I know several of you have a treadmill or bike or elliptical machine collecting dust so here’s a great … Continued

Belinda’s Transformation

Do you ever feel like you’ll never achieve the body of your dreams? Belinda thought that way until she really took the bull by the horns and made the changes she needed to. Check out her transformation video: You can check out her program CLICK HERE

Meet Belinda Benn

II had the good fortune to interview fitness model and expert, Belinda Benn. You’d be amazed to learn that Belinda is in her 40’s as well and she really transformed her body in her late 30’s. Stay tuned for her transformation video later in the week. Here’s my interview with her: Why do women over … Continued

Your Exercise Style Part 2

In my last post, I gave you some strategies to employ when you’re training in your own space. I know that the solitude of training at home just doesn’t work for some of you. I totally get it. For example, when I did that yoga class and had to keep my lips zipped for 90 … Continued

11 Ways to Improve Your Nutrition in 2011

As you may or may not know, I run a boot camp biz and monthly I do a nutrition call to support my boot campers. You can’t out train a bad diet, so my job is to constantly provide good content to keep nutrition the focus so that my campers not only get into terrific … Continued

Your Exercise Style Part 1

Are you an exercise loner? I am. What I mean by this is that I feel motivated and confident to get a workout in anywhere, any time, all by myself. I don’t need the energy of a group or a trainer in my ear to keep me moving. I have to say that I’m in … Continued

Getting Results?

Are you getting the results that you’re looking for with your training program? Do you even have a training program? Where do you even begin to get going on your own? Here’s the thing, let me give you an analogy… I hate financial planning. I know that it’s not rocket science, but it bores me … Continued

Cortisol – Calm the Chaos to Lose Belly Fat

Your body is created to handle stress. When you’re in a stressful situation, your adrenals pump out the hormone cortisol. In small busts, this hormone sparks the release of stored blood sugar and it revs up the heart rate and increases circulation, all in an effort to energize you to respond to whatever stressor is … Continued

The NON – Treadmill Full Body Workout

Get the clothes that are hanging on that treadmill off and make use of it! I guess treadmills are okay after all…     At one point, I told you to get rid of your treadmill, but on second thought, you may just want to use it for this cool workout.     Recently I … Continued