Vaporize Fat: 10 Ways

Challenge workouts are going to be infinitely easier if you’re not carry a spare tire around your waist. I’ve decided to provide a little fat loss information for you. I know that you’re super motivated to train, you need to give yourself every opportunity to do and be your best. Nutrition accounts for a whole … Continued

25 Minutes: You’re Done!

Want a workout that will burn fat, build muscle and bring world peace in 25 minutes? Okay, it may not achieve world peace, but if everyone did this workout, we’d all be feeling a little more calm and peaceful. As you know I always preach high intensity interval training (HIIT) over long slow boring cardio … Continued

10 Pebbles and an Ipod

I was out with my dog on Sunday, enjoying the sunshine and planning my workout for after my dog walk. It’s always great to change up your training environment so that you come to your workout with renewed energy. The death of progress to any workout plan is to continue to do the same thing … Continued

Fashion Flash

You’ll be impressed by the quality of blog posts from my fellow bloggers on what’s new in shoes to feeling and looking your best after 40 to the latest tips on fitness and more.  So, let’s get right to it! Go here to find all this cool stuff: Check out Kari at Fab Over … Continued

Baked in 25 Minutes

You’re going to have an easier time with all challenges if you’re lean. One way to get lean is through HIIT. High intensity interval training is the fastest most efficient way to burn fat. In research, HIIT has been shown to burn adipose (fat) tissue more effectively than low-intensity exercise – up to 50% more … Continued

A Lesson From Bill Gates

This blog post originally had nothing to do with fitness and fat loss and everything to do with attitude. On occasion I share a bit of what’s going on in my life. I know that you may be experiencing something similar at your end of the world, or maybe I can enlighten you with my … Continued

Last 10 Pounds?

Are you struggling with those last 5-10 lbs? My good friend and fat loss expert, John Romaniello has some cool advice for us. He’s done a ton of research to determine what kind of training addresses different areas of fat storage. Watch this to learn more: To sum it up, John explains how a predominance … Continued

Cardio for Fat Loss?

There’s so much mis-information out there…. I go to a commercial gym when I travel, I notice that there’s a ton of people on the ellipticals, treadmills and bikes. Most have a magazine or they’re tuned into the TV. They’re barely breaking a sweat. I wonder what they’re doing and why they’re doing it…seems like … Continued

Fashion Flash

I can always count on  our bloggers to offer up to the minute  fashion, beauty and health advice.  This week I was super impressed on the  thought and insights of my fellow Fashion Flashers. Check it out here: Here’s what you’ll find: * Black Cat Plus asks  if we should eliminate the term plus size … Continued