300 Yard Hell

My pal and fitness expert, Mike Inscho (creator of AlphaMaleFTS.com) sent me this challenge. This is something totally different for me. Although he describes himself doing the challenge in the snow, I don’t think I’m up for it in -21C and snow here in Calgary, Canada today. So, I’ll give this a go in my … Continued

How to Increase Metabolism in Women with Shawna K.

Today I want to discuss how to increase metabolism in women.   Have you ever watched the children’s TV show Sesame Street? I used to watch it with my kids when they were little. There was a segment that they called “what doesn’t belong here?”   Let’s play:   Here I have a dumb bell: … Continued

Fashion Flash

Read on for some fresh fashion and style  tips from some of the top over 40 bloggers! This week I’m excited to introduce a new member of to our group, Jackie Silver from Ageing Backwards. (Here’s the link: http://www.fabulousafter40.com/how-to-style-and-fashion-tips-fashion-flash/) Now here is a little taste of each of our fabulous group of Bloggers:   Black … Continued

Fav Five for Fat Loss Exercises

I was asked what my favorite five exercises are for fat loss. The question came with the caveat that these fav exercises had to be performed without a ton of complicated equipment. I know that you enjoy getting and doing challenging workouts from my blog. I want to thank all those people that give me … Continued

What Makes You FAT?

 What food really makes you fat?   Many people think that it’s just too many calories that make you fat. While this is true, it’s not entirely true. We all know folks that can pack away the calories and never seem to gain an ounce.   Is it dietary fat? Well, fat is essential for … Continued

Best Exercises To Tone Arms For Women

Today I am going to talk about the best arm toning exercises for you. First of all I want to ask you, how many fitness gadgets have you bought? Have you bought the ab toner? I hate to even mention it, the shake weight? If you go to any fitness store or you watch late … Continued

How to Do Five Push Ups

I know lots of you are working on your pushups, trying to get 5 pushups in a row. I have a couple of strategies here for you.   First of all, don’t rush getting onto your toes on the pushup too soon because the quality of your pushup will suffer. It’s much better to get … Continued

Fashion Flash

I love being part of an amazing group of bloggers and look forward to reading their weekly fab fashion and beauty advice.   Here’s a roundup of their best posts this week: (<==== click here)   Can casual and classy co-exist when it comes to weekend dressing? Discover the perfect style recipe for this sought … Continued