Fav Pilates Move

Want a flat tummy? Want to lose your muffin top? Well, first off, you can’t ‘spot reduce’, but you can tighten and tone the muscle below that layer of fat, if you clean up your diet before you know it: Viola! Your abs will show. I want to dispel some of the ‘old school’ ab … Continued

The Ultimate Challenge

I’m not going to going to challenge you to pull ups or burpees or anything like that with this post. This is a TMI post for you. I’m a very private person and I haven’t told anyone outside my family this news. For me this is the ultimate challenge that I’ll be facing in the … Continued

Fashion Flash July 23, 2012

    The ladies have been busy putting together some very special posts this week. Just click this link and see for yourself!   Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog  finds the perfect facial for a big event.   Did you know that clutter could cause extreme stress? Reducing stress could be at the top of the … Continued

Challenge Strategy: The SUPER SET

I know that your training is all round ‘super’. I know that the weight you move is again: ‘super’. And of course, when you put your cape and mask on, you’re certainly ‘super’. See me here?

Ab Mistakes to Avoid

It’s summer time and everyone would like a six pack. Not the beer variety that’s all too easy to buy and succumb to, I mean everyone wants the coveted washboard flat belly. Lately I’ve been paying more attention to what I see people doing in the gym. For about 20 years I trained at home … Continued

Surprising Tips to Look Younger

  I’m sure many of you know that the older you get, the faster you age. This is especially true if you don’t fuel your body with proper nutrients and regular exercise. BUT I’m sure very few of you knew that by the time you hit 40, you actually gain an EXTRA 6 months for … Continued

Super Hero Workout Review

I’ll be honest, I don’t know a super hero from a super nova. This is what I know: Batman is pretty cool cuz he’s got super cool kit. I think Robin is in touch with his feminine side (not that there’s anything wrong with that ;)). I know Superman has his kryptonite and Spiderman can … Continued

Train for the Body You Want

Women, I have a bone to pick with you. Whenever I walk into a commercial gym, the number of women pounding away on a treadmill or worse, sitting on some machine hoping the fat will ‘vibrate’ away, overwhelms me. Some women are on the right track by picking weights, but even then, I see few … Continued

Fashion Flash July 16, 2012

If you haven’t checked out my favorite bloggers lately, now’s the time, here’s a roundup of their best posts this week: CLICK HERE to check out each post. Avant garde, or caught off guard? Fab Over Fifty wants to knowwhat you think of this look! Wondering what to wear when you are 50 and celebrating … Continued