Tip to Get Better Training Results – Even in Menopause

Stop wasting time wondering if you’re making progress, simply measure it. Don’t rely on your memory, write down your workouts. This allows you to compare your progress over time and it holds your feet to the fire for each workout to improve. You can expect a SLIGHT increase in performance with NEW skills (like Olympic … Continued

Menopausal Weight Gain? Good News…

Menopausal weight gain is a b!tch. It’s one more of the MANY symptoms of aging. But weight gain can’t all be blamed on decreasing estrogen that comes with menopause. The good news is there are three things you can do TODAY to turn things around. 1.Without resistance training, you’re trading lean mass (muscle) for fat … Continued

Protein Prep in 5 Minutes

You know how important protein is (I hope), but food prepping can be a hassle. Any chance you could protein meal prep in about 5 minutes? Yup. Thanks to a rotisserie chicken (store bought is fine!) and a ziplock bag. I was skeptical, but it really worked for me. The meat literally fell off the … Continued

How to Get a Smaller Waist (Even in Menopause)

Is your belly getting bigger despite the exercise you’re doing? Gah! So frustrating! You’re not actually gaining MORE fat, it’s just that it goes there first as estrogen declines – I know this isn’t very comforting news though… You need to know that exercise is not the VEHICLE to fat loss. Nutrition & consistent healthy … Continued

What to Do When You Don’t Want to Workout

Don’t feel like working out? Me neither (some days). Instead, I’ll choose to move a little with… Simple mobility… A walk… Or a movement snack… What’s a movement snack you ask? These are short ‘do anywhere’ mini-workouts for those busy days… I’ve got six of them for you here: https://shawnak.securechkout.com/movement-snacks You’ll usually feel more energized … Continued

Taking on Too Much In Menopause?

If you fall apart, so does everything else… You need to prioritize YOU. Here are 7 ways: 1. Recognize your needs: What makes you feel refreshed, relaxed, & fulfilled? 2. Set boundaries: Learn to say NO to protect your time & energy. 3. Schedule self-care: Treat self-care as a non-negotiable part of your routine. 4. … Continued

Exercising with NO Weight Loss in Menopause?

Exercise is for fun & function. Exercise is to maintain & build muscle & bone density, a bonus is calorie burning and some initial weight loss for beginners. Paying attention to nutrition (stress, sleep, NEAT) are for weight loss. Don’t assume your exercise ‘isn’t working’ because the scale isn’t moving. Exercise is probably doing what … Continued

Willpower Doesn’t Work in Menopause

You’re not the problem… EVERY one gives into temptation at some point. Set yourself up for success by changing your environment to remove temptation. If you’re serious about improving your health, put structures of support in place around you… I’d love to help! Accountability is key to developing healthy habits long term. Join my most … Continued

It’s Never Too Late to Start – Even in Menopause

Let’s defy the stereotypes of aging. You don’t need to do what I do… But you should do SOMETHING to build/maintain muscle and bone density as you age. Start or start over. Run your own race. Just get going. I can help, let’s talk: http://lifestyle.shawna247.com https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.CIR.101.7.828

Why You Should Learn a New Skill in Menopause

Snatching is the hardest skill I’ve EVER tried. I’m 60 but started Olympic weightlifting in my late 50’s. I had complete hip replacements (right hip at age 58 & left hip at age 59) and then returned to the sport. Currently, I train alone with a remote coach. I’m scared ALL THE TIME, but I … Continued