Chicken Soup with Quinoa & Roasted Red Peppers

By using flavorful ingredients, like roasted red bell peppers and white bean hummus, this soup tastes like you slaved over it all afternoon– but really takes less than 20 minutes to throw together. This recipe is a great way to fit some quinoa into your diet. Quinoa is a protein-packed seed that is considered a … Continued

The 3 Minute Micro Progression Ab Challenge

Have you ever seen one of these?     That’s a sasquatch sighting and for many, you may actually see a sasquatch before you reveal your own set of these:   Those are my abs. I don’t need to tell you that I’m 51 (that picture was taken when I was 50, but trust me, … Continued

3 best butt exercises of all time (NO squats)

Guest Post 3 Best Butt Exercises of All Time By Kate Vidulich Yeah, you do squats. But aren’t you ready to mix it up a bit? Of course you are. 😉 Here’s the thing… You don’t need to spend half an hour on the abductor/adductor machines at the gym. Or even do a million squats … Continued

5 Exercises to STOP Doing (#3 is controversial)

Guest Post 5 Exercises to STOP Doing (#3 is controversial) By Kate Vidulich Kettlebells, yoga, CrossFit, high intensity training… Everywhere you look, people over 30 are doing new and exciting things, trying to recapture their youth. But there’s a BIG problem. The exercises below are actually do more harm than good. Watch out… #1: Good … Continued

Baked Catfish and Mint Cabbage Salad

Catfish is a wonderful source of low fat protein. Lots of recipes call for frying catfish, but baking turns it into a low calorie, high protein meal. The generous seasoning of the catfish lends to a rich flavor that is complimented perfectly by the light minty salad. Servings: 4 Here’s what you need… For the … Continued

Low Carb Spaghetti and Meatballs

So you ditched that package of high-carb noodles from your pantry, now learn to love nature’s healthy noodles: spaghetti squash. If you haven’t yet tried spaghetti squash then you’re in for a real treat. A pile of tender spaghetti squash strands piled high with protein and veggie meatballs makes the perfect fitness meal. Servings: 12 … Continued

Super Foods for a Super Body

Guest Post from James Gaida Have you ever wondered how Super Heroes do it?  How do they build those amazing bodies? Take a look at Wonder Woman.  She didn’t always look this great. There was a time when Wonder Woman wasn’t feeling like a Super Hero.  She wasn’t always comfortable in her revealing crime fighting … Continued

Q & A – Cardio alternatives with knee injuries

From Lisa Bullock Jennifer wrote in desperation to Shawna and I looking for high intensity cardio options  she could use with a very limiting knee injury.  She said:   “I have little cartilage on the outer side of my left knee and bone spurs. My knee issues have flared up hugely and now am trying … Continued

Basic Jump Rope Steps

Want to learn to jump rope? You’ll get tangled up in the beginning, but if you keep at it, you’ll be a pro, impress all the 10 year olds on the block and get super fit 😉 Start with the basics. A double jump is the easiest way to start. The rope can be going … Continued

Lose the Machines – Do This Instead

Please tell me you’re smarter than this… ====>   I’m not going to name any business specifically, but if you look closely, you may see the URL, do a Google search (or take a guess) at what a certain fitness celeb is pushing as ‘cutting edge’ workouts…(THESE are cutting edge workouts that work). Now, I … Continued