MMA Workout?

Children can be cruel. Especially to their mother. Let me explain… At one point, I thought it would be a good idea to take Fitness Kickboxing to incorporate into my boot camps. I took the Level 1 Kickboxing Certification and I really enjoyed it. I love learning and I love to do new things, especially … Continued

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Navy Seal?

Me? A navy seal? Not likely, but it’s fun to take a look at the physical requirements necessary to ‘make the cut’ for consideration into this elite group. Women won’t likely be navy seals anytime soon, after all, it appears that the military has just recently included pull ups as a requirement for women. You … Continued

Fitness Predictions for 2013

Fitness trends come and go. I remember teaching ‘aerobics’ in the 80’s with my leg warmers and leotard. (Wow, maybe that’s still a trend, but I’m not part of it.) 2012 was an amazing year for fat loss and fitness. Millions of men and women shed body fat thanks to breakthroughs in metabolic training with … Continued

Want Workout DVD’s?

If you’re looking to shed body fat, there’s simply no getting around the fact that you absolutely must create some sort of caloric deficit. Any way you look at it, you MUST burn more calories than you consume.  Now, it can get quite a bit more complicated than simple math would have us believe, but … Continued

Knee Pain?

Knees are the most commonly injured joints in the body. Considering that when you simply walk up stairs, the pressure across your knee joints is four times your body weight, it isn’t surprising. Simple, everyday wear and tear can end up hurting your mobility and then add to that your intense training. It’s a vicious … Continued

Save Your Elbows

Here’s my fellow Canuck and all round good guy, Rick Kaselj. We often meet at ‘mastermind’ meetings where top fitness trainers gather to share their knowledge. We were in San Diego and my elbows were screaming at me so I decided to corner ‘exercise for injury’ guy, Rick for some answers. Here’s what Rick had … Continued


The average person need not worry about overtraining. In fact, the average person needs to worry about getting ENOUGH training. But you’re not average are you? Given that you’re on my blog, my guess is that training is like breathing or eating…just a necessity of life. And with this sort of attitude toward exercise and … Continued

Injured? What now?

As a workout warrior, there will be times when you feel a tweak here or there while training. It’s sort of a double edged sword where injury is concerned: if you train too much, your body will wear out and break down, conversely, if you don’t do anything, your body will deteriorate at an alarming … Continued

Hitting a Plateau?

Have you ever gotten to a point in your training that nothing ever seems to be happening? You aren’t getting fitter or fatter? At the same time, you’re not getting leaner or stronger? Get off your plateau! I found it interesting that when I used to train at a commercial gym, I’d see the same … Continued

Welcome to the Challenge Workout Blog!

I’m Shawna Kaminski and I love challenge workouts. Over the years, I’ve developed some crazy hard workouts that I do myself and others have expressed interest in them. This blog is all about how I train and how I can help you to train and accomplish your fitness goals. I want to emphasize that I’m … Continued