A Tijuana Adventure

What were we thinking? It sounded like a good idea at the time (as all disasters or near disasters may seem at the out set). I need to clarify that I wouldn’t say this was a complete disaster or anything by any stretch, but I will say that my heart pounded as if I were … Continued

My Top 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life

My Top 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life By Tyler Bramlett Author Of The 27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore Have you ever found yourself doing something you know is bad? You might reach for a dessert when it’s clearly not your cheat day, or perhaps you decide that the couch looks way … Continued

Lessons from Martin Rooney

I usually will have workouts and nutrition information for you on my blog, but today, I wanted to share something different. I recently attended my friend and mentor, Craig Ballantyne’s TT Summit. (the ‘TT’ stands for Turbulence Training). The whole event was full of my fitness family and friends; trainers and coaches from all over … Continued

Being Uncomfortable

Time for a little Saturday motivation… Since I have a half century under my belt, I figure I’m in a better position to share a few things than if I were in my teens (which I sometimes feel I am ;)). First of all, your training in the gym (or where ever you do your … Continued

Fall Back into Fitness

Fall is here. For many of you, it’s ‘back to school’ for your children, or at the very least, it’s back into a more regular routine. While summer is a great time to kick back, many of you are finding that the back to school shopping isn’t just for the kids. Your jeans must have … Continued

Why Do Challenge Workouts?

Why do YOU do challenge workouts? Have you thought about it? I was thinking about the reason why I push myself physically nearly every day until I feel like barfing. Clearly this is a red flag to many people. Why on earth would anyone want to do this? Well, I guess it requires my opening … Continued


Are you average? I doubt it. To me, that’s a bit of an insult…Who wants to be average? If you’re on this blog, it’s unlikely you aspire to be average. I thought you’d be interested in knowing some ‘average’ facts to see where you stack up. (Apologies to my non-American readers, it’s easiest to find … Continued

Lessons Learned From Green Hair and A Lotta Water

I’ve had a variety of careers that have led to this one. You may never have guessed that some of my most profound lessons were learned underwater. Let me explain… My first career started at the age of six. It would span twelve years and it involved Green hair and a lotta water… I took … Continued