5 Secrets to Staying Slim

According to the American Society for Nutrition, people who lose weight and become satisfied with the number they see on the scale, often take a ‘vacation’ from healthy eating habits and relapse. This doesn’t have to be the case however. How do slim people maintain their weight? There are a few minor adjustments you can … Continued

Top Pre-workout Meals

I get a lot of questions from people inquiring about good foods to eat pre-workout. As many of you know, eating food before any type of exercise, whether it be weight training or interval-cardio training, is vital in order for you to have an effective workout. Short-changing your body before a workout is much like … Continued

Raid the Fridge!

Here’s a fridge raid that I did with one of my coaching clients: Here’s a few points to summarize my client to healthier eating… Great to have a ton of produce, berries, lettuce Cut back on processed meats – try tuna, salmon or crab instead –nitrates aren’t a good choice If yoiu drink Soy – … Continued

Raid the Pantry!

What’s in your pantry? Take a look at what my client had in hers and what you can learn from it: Protein supplement – its hard to get enough protein at every meal silluim based fibre – great for women Vitamins – Multi vitamin, Vitamin D & omega 3 Junk in the pantry – MODERATION … Continued

Pasta Anyone?

Who doesn’t love pasta?   It’s the kind of food that appeals to pretty much everyone. And those that say they don’t like it must be lying right?   Actually, I almost NEVER eat pasta, but it’s not for lack of liking it. I love it, but my belly does not. Well, actually, my belly … Continued

Nutrition From a Pro

Listen in as I discuss 12 Nutritional Changes in 2012 with our nutritionist, Danielle, from ‘Simply for Life’ Find out what healthy habits you can incorporate into your lifestyle to help you meet your fitness and fat loss goals and feel your best. Click here:

What Eating Habits Should I Change? (interview)

I often do conference calls with my fitness boot camps. I recently got on the phone with our nutritionist from ‘Simply for Life’. Scott (our nutritionist) and I wanted to discuss the fact that you should change ONE nutritional habit and once that habit feels good, add another. Before long, you can change your whole … Continued

Is Gluten Intolerance the ‘New Black’ of the Diet World?

Go to a grocery store and you’ll no doubt see the ‘gluten free’ section. The media has made ‘gluten free’ ‘gluten intolerance’, ‘gluten sensitivity’ the ‘new black’ in the world of dieting. Is there a need for gluten free eating? How do I know if I should avoid gluten? Manufacturers will find any excuse to … Continued

Is Gluten Making You Store Fat?

Are you having a hard time dropping fat? I’ve been picking the brain of Dr Peter Osborne. He’s got some interesting information for you on how gluten can be a problem when it comes to fat storage. I know, this isn’t ‘easy’ stuff, but if you want to get rid of the junk in your … Continued

3 Top Tips to Fat Loss

Reaching 40+ has it’s ups and downs. Most of us have a better understanding of ourselves and we have better self esteem. I, for one, would never trade my head or ‘wisdom’ (if you could call it that) for my head when I was 30 years old. But, with age comes some physical issues that … Continued