Tunes to Train By!

Laurie (9:30 am camp) asked if I could post one of my boot camp play lists. I load everything from ITunes. Here’s my latest play list: Sexy B*tch – David Guetta Cha-ching – Hedley Throw Your Hands Up – Stereos Real World 09 – Rob Thomas Replay – Iyaz Who Says – John Mayer Shine … Continued

A Unique Christmas Gift

Many of you know that I recently recorded some audio tracks for training with Elijah Lucian in his studio. Would you or any of your family be interested in doing any studio recordings? Elijah has generously offered us a ‘time card’ for his studio. You will receive a EXTRA 20% discount when you use the … Continued

Snowed In Workout

I could barely get out my front door today with all the snow, so I know that many of you are experiencing the same thing. I thought you may need an idea to get in a bit of a workout at home. Here I am alternating skipping as a cardio movement with a push/pull/leg and … Continued

Workout in your kitchen!

Can’t get a workout in? How about this one? Use a two kitchen chairs pushed up against the wall. If you can add a bit of cardio and core, you’re all set with a maintenance workout for those days when squeezing a workout in seems impossible.

Upper Body Cardio Blast to Do at Home

Everyone always asks me when and how I train. I thought I’d show you my gym at home and share how I ended my workout today. (Contrary to what you may think based on my the airport workout post, I don’t make a scene in public places everyday). Don’t think that you need all the … Continued

Check out this hotel workout…

Here’s a great workout idea for you. When I was in Florida for my conference, of course I went to the hotel gym. It was fairly well equipped; I wanted to do a quick metabolically challenging workout so that I could get on with my day. You can have a look at the video. I … Continued

Avoid the Flu

Prevent Swine Flu The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it’s almost impossible to avoid coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is. While you are still healthy and not … Continued

A Great Training Option

I had the good fortune to hang out with Craig Ballantyne in Florida recently. He’s the author of Turbulence Training. This is a great at home training option. You can learn more about Turbulence Training here.

The Photoshop Effect

Ever wonder why celebrities look so good in all their pictures? You would too if you had a staff to photo shop every picture that went to print. When you start feeling down on yourself for not measuring up, take a look at this and you should feel better about yourself.