How Many Rounds?

Need a great full body workout that you can do in 15 minutes? Here’s a great workout that includes box jump burpees, pull ups, push ups and squats. You’ll try to get 10 reps of each exercise and keep the rounds going for the pre-determined time you set up (10, 12, 15, 20 minutes). The … Continued

Fat Loss Tips for Women

Fat Loss Tips for Women – 29 Ways to Fit Into Your Jeans Better Who isn’t looking for easy ways to lose an inch or two? The thing is, it’s the small things that make big differences. What are some of my fat loss tips for women? So many ladies I speak with tend to … Continued

Fashion Flash

Here’s the Fashion Flash, a weekly bundle of fashion tips from the top bloggers specializing in over 40 fashion, style and beauty! Check it out here: Fab Over Forty Finding the right foundation for your skin can be difficult at times.  Tim Quinn of Giorgio Armani Beauty offers Fab Over Forty suggestions to find the … Continued

Women’s Fat Loss workouts

Many of you are on the look out for women’s fat loss workouts. I have good news and bad news… I’ll start with the bad news: Women’s fat loss workouts are not easy or for the faint of heart. They’re going to make you sweat! You have to be consistent with them and using women’s … Continued

Women’s Fat Loss Plan

Are you looking for a women’s fat loss plan? You’ve come to the right place. If you stay close to my blog, you’ll have all the information that you need. Sadly, most people think a women’s fat loss plan needs to be complicated and expensive. In fact, it’s pretty basic. You need to incorporate sensible … Continued

Make That Vegetarian?

I know that some of you may be considering a vegetarian lifestyle in an effort to improve your health and lean out. Have you thought this through? I’m not challenging your decision, I only want to challenge how you’re going to meet your nutritional needs without actually gaining weight. I myself have given up beef, … Continued

How Many Rounds?

Need a great full body workout that you can do in 15 minutes? Here’s a great workout that includes jumping rope (or do a phantom skip with no rope), bench step ups, DB bent over row, push ups and squats. You’ll try to get 10 reps of each exercise and keep the rounds going for … Continued

Count Down to a New You: Full Body Workout

How many times have you found yourself in need of a quick and simple to follow workout? Here’s a great full body workout that you can do in your back yard, while you’re camping, in a hotel gym or anywhere you find yourself. If you don’t have a dumb bell for the one arm DB … Continued

24/7 Progress Report – Week One

Hi, Sara here! I’m Shawna’s client featured a few posts ago. I’m back, as promised, to keep you posted on my progress in her 24/7 Virtual Coaching program. If you’re curious about how I got started and what working with Shawna has been like for me so far, read the posts from my blog Amid … Continued

Down the Rack

I want to share one of my favorite workouts with you. I’ve done this workout with pushing muscles (bench press), pulling muscles (barbell dead lift) and for the lower body (bar bell squats). In fact, this is a pretty intense workout format that can be morphed into a variety of plans. I’ll fill you in … Continued