Protein – The Unsung Hero

Are you looking for the best weight loss tips for women? Probably THE best weight loss tips for women I can offer are very simple. Do you eat breakfast? Do you protein at breakfast? Do you even know why you’d want to have protein at breakfast? My best weight loss tips for women involve a … Continued

Calling All Members: Help!

Be warned, I’m going to bribe you here, so keep an eye out. I hope you find the content on the blog helpful. My goal is to meet your needs. Make sure you let me know what I can do to help you with your fitness and fat loss challenges because when you do, other … Continued

Injured? What now?

As a workout warrior, there will be times when you feel a tweak here or there while training. It’s sort of a double edged sword where injury is concerned: if you train too much, your body will wear out and break down, conversely, if you don’t do anything, your body will deteriorate at an alarming … Continued

24/7 Progress Report: Sara on SetBacks

Here’s my 24/7 client Sara explaining her trials and tribulations on her fitness journey: So there I was, barreling along full-speed-ahead in my fitness revolution. Exercising practically every day. Eating clean and healthy food. Losing fat and gaining muscle. Feeling and looking better than I probably ever had before.

Fashion Flash

It’s my turn to host the fashion flash. For those of you new to my blog, a few awesome blog owners have gotten together to provide you with relevant information every week. This is a group of powerful women that like to provide great content that will inspire and empower other women. First up is … Continued

Girl Talk on Female Fat Loss Over 40

Here’s my good friend and fitness expert Lindsay Vastola: Here we are at Fitness Business Summit: As you can see, Lindsay is clearly a beautiful woman. But with pictures, you’re missing out on the best part: her knowledge and passion for fitness and wellness. She’s an awesome trainer, boot camp owner and most recently the … Continued

Exercise Tips for Women

If you’re going to exercise, you may as well do it right so I’ve compiled 17 exercise tips for women for you. These are simple tips that you can put into place right away. These exercise tips for women can also be applied to men, they’re just great ways to burn more fat and build … Continued

Success Story – Jen

I have the opportunity to work with the most amazing women. My 24/7 client, Jen falls into that category. Here’s her story in her own words: I would like to share my story so that any of you that are wanting to get into shape, and have tried many other methods, might give Shawna’s 24/7 … Continued

Water Facts

How Much Water Should I Really Drink? And why? Looking to up your fitness game? Of course you are. How about increasing strength and stamina and losing fat in the process? (Who doesn’t want to LOOK better while performing better?) Does water play a role? You bet. Water has always been one of  those drinks … Continued

Fashion Flash

Here’s this week’s Fashion Flash with excerpts of the best of the best posts  from my fave blogger friends! These gals have been working hard to bring you the latest news in fashion, beauty, fitness and more! Check it out here: From me, Shawna K at Female Fat Loss Over Forty: Do you lack … Continued