Fashion Flash Labor Day

  Happy Labor Day weekend, to everyone.   I hope you’re enjoying the last hurrah of the summer weekends.  Fashion Flash has some wonderful reading for you this week – these women are the experts and we can all learn a tip or two from them!   Check out the latest Fashion Flash HERE.   … Continued

Fitness and Your Better Half

Guess what? If you’re married or have a significant other, your biggest ally and enemy are one and the same: your spouse. Of course this is something that you already knew. Have you thought about it in terms of your fitness and fat loss journey? Not surprisingly, your spouse can be the missing link to … Continued

A Healthy Pantry…

I love when a client lets me into their pantry. It’s like snooping into their diary (not that I”d ever do that!). But a pantry is pretty revealing.   Imagine my surprise when I got to this client’s pantry only to find the majority of foods to be all spot on…healthy choices for a healthy … Continued

Best Leg Exercises

Good news: the best leg exercises are the most challenging. I say that’s good news for you because I’m assuming since you’re on this blog that you’re up for any kind of challenge to improve your leg strength, endurance and fit in your jeans better. Have you seen those dudes in the gym that have … Continued

Best Tummy Toning Exercise

You may be surprised at what the best tummy toning exercise is. Most people think it’s a crunch or sit up of some sort.   In fact, the best tummy toning exercise doesn’t involve any type movement and is actually quite static in nature. The best tummy toning exercise is an isometric contraction, or pose. … Continued

Shawna 24/7 Progress Report – I Can

Here’s another installment from my coaching client, Sara in Italy. Take it away Sara: One of the things I’m really loving about Shawna’s diet and exercise program is that it actually works. That may seem like a strange thing to say. I mean, why would I be writing about the program at all if it … Continued

3 Best Leg Toning Exercises

What are the 3 best leg toning exercises? There are so many leg exercises to choose from, how do you narrow it down to the ‘3 best leg toning exercises‘? I’ll do it for you… Any kind of leg work should be using compound movements. By this I mean, you shouldn’t be seated anywhere, and … Continued


Are you average? I doubt it. To me, that’s a bit of an insult…Who wants to be average? If you’re on this blog, it’s unlikely you aspire to be average. I thought you’d be interested in knowing some ‘average’ facts to see where you stack up. (Apologies to my non-American readers, it’s easiest to find … Continued

Fashion Flash

Happy Fashion Flash Monday! Lots of great beauty, fashion, styling and health tips by my favorite baby boomer bloggers! Check out this link. Find out what’s on trend for plus size fashion this Fall! Besides long or short hair, one of the toughest hair decisions is bangs or no bangs.  Fab Over Forty shares some … Continued

Timed Full Body Blaster

Do you have 20 minutes? Then you have time for this quick and dirty full body workout. You’ll need a mat, dumb bells and water on hand cuz you’re gonna work up a sweat. You’ll see my apprentice, Allie, putting a few campers through their paces at an outdoor boot camp. I’m on the other … Continued