New Mom?

At my latest meeting of fitness pro’s I got together with Sara Sutherland Dean. She works with new mom’s to get them back into tip top shape. I figured that you could benefit from some of her advice. Lots of my clients are ‘new mom’s’ and their babies are teenagers now…;)   So, even though … Continued

How to Do 10 Push Ups

I want to give you a strategy to get to 10 push ups.   Sometimes you just get pooped out from doing push ups. If you’re just looking for a different exercise that’s going to help increase your push ups, one exercise that I can give you is the dumbbell press. You can do this … Continued

Fashion Flash – Holiday Edition

With the holiday season fast approaching, you’ll find practical advice for surviving the holiday season from my gal pals: from health and fitness tips to fashion and style they’ve got us covered.   Take a look at what they have to say this week here.   Wondering how to dress for a holiday party to … Continued

What Makes You Fat?

What really makes you fat?   We all do challenge workouts to get a great workout and to push our limits. But let’s not kid ourselves here. Another great bonus of challenging workouts is that the more fit I am, the better I look in my jeans. So, along with challenging workouts, I  need to … Continued

Yogurt Fan?

I’m a big yogurt fan.   When I tell my clients that I eat yogurt, I need to clarify.   The yogurt I eat isn’t the ‘glorified ice cream’ that you see in the dairy section.   Literally, some of the yogurt choices are no better than eating ice cream.   Where’s the nutrition in … Continued

How to Do 10 Pull Ups

I want to talk to you about doing 10 pull ups.   I’ve given you all kinds of tips and strategies on doing pull ups, assisted pull ups, jump pull ups, that sort of thing but today I want to talk about using a lat pull down machine to help you to improve your pull … Continued

Fashion Flash

It’s Fashion Flash Monday and my blogger friends have been very busy:   CLICK HERE to check out all these cool posts:   *Jodell of BLack Cat Plus believes that shades of grey are a must have, most flattering color for plus size silhouettes this holidy season.  Sort of grey is the new black.   … Continued

One Legged Burpee Challenge

It turns out I’m sorta fickle…   I hate to say it, but the burpee has lost just a little of his pizazz….   Sure, he still makes me weak at the knees and outta breath, but since adding 50 burpees a day into my workout for a few weeks now, I’m getting a little … Continued

Cardio Workouts for Women

I want to talk about cardio workouts for women for fat loss.   Sometimes people get on a piece of cardio equipment and barely move. When I go to a gym I often see a lot of people that are just barely peddling the bike or walking on the treadmill. They’re reading a magazine, they’re … Continued