Make a Change (and dating challenges…)

Random Thots (& the Challenges of Being a Girl) #1 – Legit question…. ✳What’s better, to ask a random stranger to do up the zipper on my dress or my date? 😁 (asking for a friend) #2 – Time is limited so…. ➡Spend time with Important people ➡ Don’t be lulled into a false sense … Continued

What Are You Waiting For?

What are you waiting for? What are you doing for YOU? We are all terminal. I mean no disrespect and don’t want to be morbid, but we know how this ends for all of us, we just don’t know the ‘details’ of how we will die. So what are you doing to LIVE? Time is … Continued

Time to be S.E.L.F.I.S.H.

You can do anything you put your mind to… I recently did a 6 hour climb in Banff, AB. The guided route crosses 3-wire suspension bridges over gaping chasms, continuing to 2,450 meters at the Summit. There are dazzling 360-degree views at the top of the mountain. Maybe you’re not up for a climb to the top of a … Continued

Do You Take Better Care of Your Dog Than Yourself?

Does your dog get better treatment than you? If you’re a responsible pet owner, luckily for your pet, you probably do all kinds of things to keep him healthy. You likely provide nutritious food on the regular. You don’t put your dog on a starvation diet and then binge feed him. You likely ensure that … Continued

Are You Action or Entertainment Driven?

It’s easy to get caught up watching TV, You Tube videos or hanging out on social media instead of taking action to improve you health. Even if you’re investigating the latest information on health or fitness – you burn zero calories by watching. Instead of being an information gatherer, be an action taker. Apply the … Continued