Not So Sweet: Sugar

A five letter word for ‘why am I so fat?’   A five letter word for ‘why don’t I have any energy?’   A five letter word for ‘I seem to get sick all the time…’   A five letter word for ‘why do I have this inner tube around my waist?’   This is … Continued

My Perfect Fat Loss Day

It seemed a bit odd to me when my buddy, Craig Ballantyne, asked me for a report of my perfect 24 hour fat loss day. Why would anyone be interested in a 24 hour period out of my life? Then again… I’m in my late forties and don’t look it. I’m amazingly fit with what … Continued

Nutrition Call: Fresh VS Processed?

Listen is as my nutritionist, Zach from Simply for Life and I discuss the need for fresh vs processed foods. What should you ABSOLUTELY avoid? What’s the next best thing to fresh? This is a short audio packed with a ton of practical tips…

The Skinny on Water

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking On a Daily Basis? Water has always been one of  those drinks that I continually have a love-hate relationship with. I know that it’s good for me to be drinking water throughout the day. My problem is that if I don’t drink enough in the day, I end … Continued

Hormones and Body Fat

My friend and fat loss expert, John Romaniello,  talks about how hormones can affect body fat and specifically regional fat storage. He has a great program that can address specific regional fat storage: check it out here:

Female Fat Loss Over 40

Are you interested in female fat loss? I know what it’s like to feel great in my own skin and I want you to feel your best too. This won’t happen unless you make it happen. I’m all about being pro-active to take control of your body and your life.   Female Fat Loss Over … Continued

Carbohydrate Confusion

Carbohydrate Confusion There’s lots of information and MIS-information or half truths out there. One of the misleading topics is the issue of carbohydrates: carbs are good, carbs are bad, avoid carbs, don’t avoid carbs…on and on. Diabetes is on the rise. As well, there are many that are ‘border line’ diabetic and their doctor may … Continued

Dieting? A Simple Plan

When it comes to diet, nothing seems to be simple these days. The media often complicates matters as advertisers compete for your dieting dollar. Truth is, no one really wants you to succeed in weight loss. It’s a multi billion dollar biz. Me on the other hand, I WANT you to succeed at weight loss, … Continued

Gluten, Selenium Deficiency, and Thyroid Disease

I recently got a message on Face Book from a woman desperate to lose weight. She had part of her thyroid removed, exercised regularly, ate a clean diet and hadn’t lost a pound or inch in a year. Talk about frustration! I checked with my good friend and gluten expert, Dr. Peter Osborne and asked … Continued

Make That to Go…

Sometimes I feel like my kids are missing out. They get sick of my healthy eating ways and they’d like to throw caution to the wind and EAT OUT. My goodness, I’m such a stick in the mud when it comes to this. I get my fill of restaurant food when I travel so I’m … Continued