Fashion Flash

It’s a hot, hot summer, but the fab femmes from Fashion Flash give the coolest advice ever.  Start the week by checking out their marvelous blogs. Here’s the link: Get the latest scoop on what’s new in plus size denim styles. No one makes beautiful shoes like Christian Louboutin. The signature red sole adds a … Continued

No Pull Up Bar? Great Alternatives

Lots of you don’t have a pull up bar, or if you do, you have trouble doing a pull up in the first place so you need some alternatives to back training. If you have access to a suspension trainer, like a TRX, or any kind of rope/ring set up, I have three great strengthening … Continued

Sugar? A Sneaky 5 Letter Word…

Can you really do challenge workouts with dead weight hanging on you? Have you considered SUGAR as a culprit? Could sugar be…. A five letter word for ‘why am I so fat?’ A five letter word for ‘why don’t I have any energy?’ A five letter word for ‘I seem to get sick all the … Continued

21 Day Rapid Fat Loss Success

Are you skinny-fat? That is, are you a reasonable weight but when you take your clothes off you’re soft and squishy like the marshmallow man? Meet my client Sara. This is exactly how she’d describe herself. Here’s what she had to say: Now, I am fully aware that I am not a “fat” person. I … Continued

Fashion Flash

I’ve teamed up with some amazing women that have great tips regarding everything from health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle! Check out their fabulous blogs here: Are you happy? Staness, creator of The Menopause Makeover, has tips on how to exercise happiness. Want to get in shape but need some support? Fitness expert, Shawna K, (that’s … Continued

5 Ways to Improve Your Pull Up

Its common place to hear talk about how much you can squat or bench. These are important strength lifts, but the pull up measures your strength to weight ratio better than almost any other exercise. You don’t often hear ‘how many pull ups can you do?’ One reason for this is because there is very … Continued

Want a Cool One?

With summer upon us, do you want to relax with a cool one? Will alcohol sabotage your weight loss? Umm, yep. Alcohol and weight loss are enemies (but an occasional drink can be part of a healthy lifestyle).

Understanding Gluten Sensitivity

I wanted to share this new video from my pal Dr. Peter Osborne. He’s the leading authority on gluten sensitivity. He pulls no punches; he just wants to get people informed and healthy. This is his passion. He told me a story of how he got into this business of gluten sensitivity. A distraught parent … Continued

Fashion Flash

Here’s a great group of women who have a lot of wonderful and informative things to say. Be sure to check them out. Here’s the link: * Want to tone your tummy? I’ll take you through a circuit that you can do along with her. * Are you confident? The Menopause Makeover community took … Continued