Menopausal Pain? Here’s What You Should Do…

When motivation takes a day off or when you have a minor ache or pain… Show up anyway! Remember, even a mediocre workout is still a step towards progress… I’ve been having a few of those mediocre workouts while I sort out a few aches and pains, but I’m not giving up. So, here’s to … Continued

Heavy or Light Weights in Menopause?

’Heavy’ or ‘light’ is a matter of personal preference as long as you’re lifting. Both lifting heavy and light have a ‘downside’: High reps with lower weights are painful, they burn & you run out of breath. You may stop at 15 reps when you could actually do 20 reps which are the ones that … Continued

Ideas for Setting a Fitness Goal in Menopause

Need a little workout inspiration? Joanne is an intermediate lifter who wanted to set up a realistic fitness goal. I suggested setting a performance goal. This might include: working up to a 1RM (rep max) for a specific lift like the bench press or deadlift increasing the number of reps at a specific weight – … Continued

No Time to Workout? Solution

Frequency or duration of your workouts? What’s more important for overall fitness? Regular exercise, especially strength training, has so many benefits, but sometimes it’s tough to fit a workout in your busy day. Don’t underestimate the value of movement ‘snacks’ – short bursts of movement of 5-10 minutes… If you can’t workout, include one or … Continued

Celebrating 60 Years

Aging is a privilege denied to many. With that thought in mind, I celebrate 60 years. I’ve been practicing saying ‘I’m 60’ for a while because only ‘old people’ are in their 60’s. Shouldn’t I have some cooking skillz by now? Apparently some skills will forever be elusive. As per always, I celebrate with movement… … Continued

Mobility Balance Challenge

If you fall and break a hip, the risk of mortality in hip fracture patients is 3-fold higher than that in the general population. Here’s a study explaining that scary stat: So make sure you’re doing all you can to stay strong & mobile! Try this: Touch elbow to opposite knee while balancing on … Continued

Shoulder Stability Warm Up

If you don’t keep moving, you’ll lose your mobility. Want strong & stable shoulders? Use light plate weight to perform these drills in your warm up: First drill… -Reach upwards with plates on palms up… -Externally rotate plates as you lower hands… -Bend at waist as you reach out laterally with palms up… -Inwardly rotate … Continued

Keep Failing Keep Getting Better

Failure is part of the process. For me, there are more bloopers than successes in my training. I should capture more on camera to post. If you’re learning something new, remember that we all start somewhere. There’s a lesson in every ‘fail’. Failure is the only way to real success. Happy to help you ‘fail … Continued

Vacation Workout Formula

Not everyone wants to workout on holiday, do what feels good for YOU. I like to do short full body workouts on vacay and this is a great format. Do 5-10 rounds: 10 KB swings 5 pull up variation 10 push up variation 15 air squats There are so many ways to vary this workout. … Continued

Grab This Stretching Guide!

Motion is lotion. Or in other words: if you don’t move it you lose it. Simple mobility moves like the 13 stretches in this video can: ->Decrease back pain ->Keep you functional ->Prevent injury I’m here to help you keep moving pain free! Grab the 13 stretches I did in the video; you can do … Continued