Frustrating Weight Fluctuations?

Your weight is going to fluctuate, in menopause and otherwise. But don’t give up on daily weighing! It will help you connect the dots between your behaviors and results. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, maintain (or gain weight), weight fluctuations are NORMAL in menopause or any time. Instead, just use your weight as data, … Continued

Reinvent Yourself – My Story

It’s never too late! Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself. I did! After a 20 year teaching career, I opened a fitness business in my 40s. I added digital fitness programming in my late 40s. I moved exclusively to online health, nutrition and fitness coaching in my 50s. Follow your passion! And if I can … Continued

Should You Count Calories to Lose Weight?

Should you count calories? In a study of 1700 participants, those that did some form of food tracking lost TWICE the weight. So before you totally dismiss food tracking, think again, because you don’t necessarily need to count calories. You may consider tracking protein and fiber because these are things that will keep you … Continued

3 Tips to Be an Extraordinary Cook!

Cooking has never been my best subject so… I’ve found some ‘work-arounds’ to appear like a genius in the kitchen. Feel free to steal my strategies to up YOUR cooking game! Bad cooks: any other tips?

Short Girl Trick for Hemming Pants

I hate hemming pants, who’s with me? Here’s an easy way to create a fun, scalloped edge without sewing. 1. Find the desired length. 2. Trace a coin to create a scalloped edge. 3. Pin legs together. 4. Cut on the scalloped edge. 5. Remove pins. Ta-da! You’re done. The edge frays nicely over time. … Continued

Mountains or Beach?

Mountains or the beach? If you had to choose, what would it be? How about both? Because if you have a choice of two things and can’t decide, take both. [Gregory Corso] These mountains never get old. So grateful to be able to get out an enjoy the mountains with this guy, the beach is … Continued

Why You Need Muscle & How to Get It

Muscle mass can predict survival rate as we age. And, the QUALITY of your life depends on your muscle mass. Muscle is literally the fountain of youth and it becomes more important as you age. Sarcopenia (muscle wasting) is real. Srikanthan, P., & Karlamangla, A. S. (2014). Muscle mass index as a predictor of longevity … Continued

Best Sleep Tip for Better Sleep in Menopause

Don’t listen to me! Listen to sleep expert & author of ‘Why We Sleep’, Matthew Walker. His number one sleep tip is to maintain the same schedule weekdays and weekends. No fun? Neither is sleep deprivation and the health risks related to it. In menopause, there are so many things out of your control, sleep … Continued

How Old Do You Want to Feel?

You can change the trajectory of your life… Both the quality and quantity of your years can be changed when you add resistance training 2-3x per week. Muscle is dramatically reduced as estrogen and progesterone drop with menopause. Women who don’t resistance train can expect to lose 3% of their muscle every decade after … Continued